How old was Nestor? - Mythology & Folklore Stack Exchange
Oct 27, 2020 · In the Iliad Nestor is noted to have been king of Pylos for 2 generations and starting on his third. This would mean that Nestor was more than 60 years old when the Trojan …
How much time is a generation in the odyssey and Iliad?
Oct 27, 2020 · Prompted by the question How old was Nestor is there any reference to how much Homer considered a generation to be? I cannot seem to find any good reference that is …
greek - Why did Odysseus pretend to be Helen's suitor if he …
Also, separate myths have come down to us regarding the recruitment to the war effort of both Odysseus (outfoxed by Palamedes) and Achilles (outfoxed by Odysseus), while the oath of …
greek - Why does Achilles continue fighting? - Mythology
Jul 31, 2019 · Why does Achilles continue fighting after killing Hector? He only returned to avenge Patroclus and he did that.
greek - Mythology & Folklore Stack Exchange
Apr 30, 2018 · Nestor; Nireus; Perithoas; Philoctetes; Phrix; Sostratus; Nowhere it is mentioned that Eurystheus and Heracles were lovers, neigh, had feeling for each other. Hence the …
Odysseus raid on the Cicones at Ismaros (Odyssey Book 9 lines 40 …
4 b. Trojan women slaves. While not explicitly stated in the Odyssey, it is surely implied that there will be some on Odysseus' ships. Indeed, in Book 3 lines 152-3, Nestor describes the …
Why does Achilles put up with Agamemnon's abuse?
Jul 10, 2021 · Because Athena forbids it, and says he will be rewarded if he obeys. From the Iliad book 1:. While Agamemnon spoke, the son of Peleus was gnawed by pain, and the heart in …
How old were Paris and Achilles at the time of the Trojan War?
Sep 16, 2016 · When Nestor, Ajax and Odysseus went to suss him out, it is mentioned they never would have pierced the disguise had Odysseus not tricked him into revealing himself. (Legend …
Newest 'iliad' Questions - Mythology & Folklore Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their …
greek - How did Homer describe Mycenae? - Mythology
Apr 2, 2018 · About your first question, there are no mentions of that Perseus in the Odyssey, but of another Perseus that was son of Nestor and Eurydice (or Anaxibia). And in the Iliad there's …