Nerull - Great Library of Greyhawk
Nerull is the Flan god of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld, worshiped on countless worlds. He is known as the Reaper, the Foe of All Good, the Hater of Life, and the Bringer of Darkness. His symbol is a skull and scythe. Nerull is usually seen as a black-robed skeleton with a rust-red body and green, ropy hair.
Nerull - Greyhawk Wiki
Jun 30, 2011 · Nerull is the Flan god of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld, worshiped on countless worlds. He is known as the Reaper, the Foe of All Good, the Hater of Life, and the Bringer of Darkness. His symbol is a skull and scythe. Nerull is usually seen as a black-robed skeleton with a rust-red body and green, ropy hair.
Nerull - Greyhawk Fanon Wiki
Nerull, also known as Nerull is the patron deity of those who seek the greatest evil for their own enjoyment or gain. Most common folk do not worship or propitiate him, although they fear him greatly.
Nerull, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
Nerull is the Flan god of death, darkness, murder, and the underworld. He is known as the Reaper, the Foe of All Good, the Hater of Life, and the Bringer of Darkness. Among the Bakluni, Nerull is known as Tharoth the Reaper.
List of Greyhawk deities - Wikipedia
Nerull is the patron of those who seek the greatest evil for their own enjoyment or gain. His worshipers, who include evil necromancers and rogues, depict him as an almost skeletal cloaked figure who bears a scythe.
Nerull in Greyhawk - World Anvil
Nerull is summoner of fiends, conjurer of darkness and his touch withers flesh and turns it to dust. Nerull is known to fly during his appearances. All his senses - including infravision and ultravision - are twice as effective as the human norm.
Nerull | D&D4 Wiki - Fandom
Nerull made his home in the astral domain of Pluton, and sought to become king over all the gods by increasing the power he derived from gathering and trapping mortal souls. He created blights and plagues to increase death in the mortal world and thus increase his number of souls.
Nerull - Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki | Fandom
Nerull, also known as Neros and Nekrus, is the Chaos God of Death, Atrophy and Pain. His domain encompasses death and all things of the grave, as well as the most basic and primal fear of dying. He is also a god of pain in all its forms.
Nerull | Eon Wiki - Fandom
Nerull is a major god, holding the portfolio for Death, Darkness, Winter, and Murder. He is neutral evil. He rules a city in the underdark known as the Crypt. He is known for shunning all living things. According to his worshipers, each winter he slays an incarnation of Obad-Hai.
Nerull - Spelljammer Wiki | Fandom
Nerull is a member of the Greyhawk pantheon and is native to Greyspace. In wildspace , especially among the human settlements in the Grinder , Nerull is worshipped to prevent death and to protect the community.
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