Walther P38 - Wikipedia
The Walther P38 (originally written Walther P.38) is a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol that was developed by Carl Walther GmbH as the service pistol of the Wehrmacht at the beginning of World War II. It was intended to replace the comparatively complex and …
P.38 Pistols For Sale - Legacy Collectibles
We sell P.38 pistols made by Walther, Mauser and Spreewerk from WW2. We sell these pistols both in full rigs & as just the gun alone. We also sell PPKs!
Walther P38 Review: Germany’s WWII Pistol :: Guns.com
Nov 7, 2023 · Some guns arrive just in time to make history, and the Walther P38 pistol is certainly one of them. Despite all the Hollywood glory given to the infamous Luger P08, it was actually the P38 that...
Walther P-38 - Wehrmacht
Fritz Walther saw an opportunity for his company and immediately began working on a series of designs that would ultimately lead to the success known today as the Walther P38. Fritz Walther knew at once that only a design in 9mm Parabellum would be successful.
German P-38 : Walther, Mauser, Spreewerk & Otherwise - Guns.com
Dec 4, 2019 · Designed to replace the iconic Luger as Germany's new sidearm, the pistol that became the P-38 went on to have a much longer service life.
History's Great P38 - GUNS Magazine
Produced using inexpensive sheet-steel stampings, the P38 set the standard for future military sidearms. Over a million were made by Walther, Spreewerk and Mauser before the war’s end. After WWII, the German Bundeswehr wanted the combat-tested P38 as its NATO service pistol.
WW2 Variations - Pistole38.nl
The different P38 variations produced during the nazi-regime will be discussed on this page. Varations are based on different manufacturers and changes in markings.
How the P-38 became the definitive German pistol of World …
May 29, 2019 · The Walther P-38 arguably supplants even the infamous Luger P.08 as the definitive German pistol of the 20th century.
P38 Guns
This Web Site features a comprehensive, private collection of WWII P.38 known variations and other Axis and Allied pistols.
Walther P.38 Pistol
Information, photos, references, and trivia on the WW2 Walther P.38 and post-war P38 pistol. If you wish to link to this page, please link only to the main page, not sub-pages or documents. Please do not rip off my PDF files or pictures for your own site.