About - Dr. Nanxi Yan
My name is Nanxi. I am currently a lecturer working in the department of Psychology at the University of Groningen. My research program is about individuals’ leisure behavior and how …
Dr. N. (Nanxi) Yan - University of Amsterdam - Universiteit van …
N. Yan. Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Programme group Work and Organizational Psychology. Nieuwe Achtergracht 129.
Nanxi Yan's research works | University of Groningen, Groningen …
Nanxi Yan's 8 research works with 80 citations and 1,183 reads, including: Integrative review: Vacations and subjective well-being
CV - Dr. Nanxi Yan
Nanxi Yan. Lecturer at the University of Groningen Researcher/Teacher/Master Sommelier/Fufu's human
Faculty and Staff - Work and Organizational Psychology
Dr. N. (Nanxi) Yan. Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Programme group Work and Organizational Psychology. [email protected] +31 (0)20 525 0000. PhD Candidates K. (Khadiga) …
Posts by Collection - Dr. Nanxi Yan
Nanxi Yan. Lecturer at the University of Groningen Researcher/Teacher/Master Sommelier/Fufu's human
Nanxi YAN (0000-0002-1960-2808) - ORCID
Nanxi YAN via Scopus - Elsevier Tourists’ savoring of positive emotions and place attachment formation: a conceptual paper. Tourism Geographies 2019 | Journal article DOI: …
nanxiyan (Nanxi Yan, PhD) · GitHub
I am a lecturer working at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands - nanxiyan
Nanxi Yan — de research portal van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Yan, N., de Bloom, J. & Halpenny, E., 2024, In: Journal of Leisure Research. 55, 1, blz. 65-94 30 blz. Onderzoeksoutput › Academic › peer review Open Access
Teaching - Dr. Nanxi Yan
Nanxi Yan. Lecturer at the University of Groningen Researcher/Teacher/Master Sommelier/Fufu's human