[GUIDE] namemc art | Hypixel Forums
Oct 27, 2024 · let’s say you want to change your skin. for me, i wanted to add cat ears and a tail onto mine, but since i have namemc art, if i just adjusted my current skin, the namemc art would be ruined because there would be 28 skins. the last skin would be removed from the list, and the last skin is the first skin you import. this means that you would ...
All Minecraft capes, their owners, and the history behind them
May 25, 2024 · This is a list of all of the Minecraft capes, their users, and the history behind them! They are in the order found on NameMC or the the Minecraft cape fandom, so if you need to find a cape quickly, just hop onto NameMC. Java Edition Capes...
namemc doesn't work | Hypixel Forums - Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
Dec 24, 2017 · Hypixel Store We work very hard to bring you unique, originally created content. Purchasing ranks, Hypixel Gold, and SkyBlock Gems helps support us in making more, higher quality content.
NameMC password/email leak | Hypixel Forums
Jul 23, 2020 · Hi! recently there has been a leak of the namemc database it is just the namemc account information so if you used the same password in namemc in other accounts (Minecraft, Spotify, Netflix, Instagram, basically anything) you should change it asap, because the password/email is used as a combolist which is something that crackers use to get ...
how do i find mc usernames with a specific keyword in them
Apr 15, 2022 · Ok I'm necroposting stfu mini mods, anyway namemc has an exact tool for this, if you use the asterik symbol (*) before or after a keyword in the namemc search bar it will provide a list of known past and present taken names that contain that keyword and, depending on the location of the "*", will only show names that contain the keyword and content ONLY IN THE …
Name MC locked name? | Hypixel Forums - Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
Apr 3, 2024 · what is a locked name on NameMC? TY for answers! Attachments. Screenshot 2024-04-03 101019.png.
[Tutorial] How to make name mc skin pictures! | Hypixel Forums
Feb 3, 2021 · If you didn't know already, the entire picture is just a series of heads, which is why we scaled it down to 72x24, since the skin gird on namemc is 3x9, and heads are 8x8 grids, the picture turns out to be a 72x24 size. 4A) Use the selection tool from the left hand side
NameMC Scam? | Hypixel Forums
Jun 24, 2019 · hi im just here asking if NameMC is a scam i used it to change my skin it it signed me out and i cant sign back in even tho im using the right credentials
NameMC shows too many blocked names | Hypixel Forums
Jun 4, 2018 · Recently, I've been wanting to try to "snipe" an OG name off of NameMC. At first, when I learned this, I didn't believe it worked. I tested it, with Mojang open, and sure enough, a name was taken for a second, then when the time arrived, I clicked "Check Availability" again, and …
NameMC Name change | Hypixel Forums
Feb 15, 2015 · I found a decent name in namemc and I had to wait 3 hours. I did and right as the timer went off I tryed to claim it but "the name was taken". Atleast that is what Mojang said. When I refreshed the namemc page it said that the name was blocked. After some time (like 2 hours) I check the name and it says its taken. by someone else on nameMc too.