Connect your website to a domain registered through Google
In the Domain Name Server 1 field, enter the first of your web host’s name servers. Name servers usually look like ns1.example.com and ns2.example.com. Enter the remaining name servers from your web host into the open Domain Name Server fields. If …
DNS basics - Google Workspace Admin Help
Name server (NS) records determine which servers will communicate DNS information for a domain. Generally, you have primary and secondary name server records for your domain. When using Google Cloud services, you may configure NS records that point to Google servers for DNS queries. ↑ back to top. Time To Live (TTL)
Verify your domain with a TXT record - Google Help
Look for a field called Name. This field might also be called Host, Hostname, or Alias. Many registrars want you to enter @ in this field. Some might want you to enter your domain name or a subdomain. Contact your registrar if you need help with this. Paste the verification code you copied from the setup tool into the Value field.
what are the nameservers for google sites
May 15, 2023 · This help content & information General Help Center experience. Search. Clear search
Set up Gmail with a third-party email client
Then click the Outgoing Server tab. In the Outgoing Server tab: Check the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication box. Select the Use same settings as my incoming server option. Then click the Advanced tab. Enter these values in the the Advanced tab: Incoming server (IMAP): 993. Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL
Set up a custom domain - Blogger Help - Google Help
Security CNAME: “Name: XXX, Destination: XXX.” This is different for each person and is specific to your blog and your Google Account. Set up your domain provider settings. Go to your domain provider’s website. Find the Domain Name System (DNS) in the control panel. Under "Name, Label or Host," enter the subdomain from step 5 above.
Set up Google Workspace with a third-party DNS host
In the Domain name field of the New domain window, enter your Google Workspace domain name, for example, your-company.com, and click Create. A table opens with your domain’s DNS records. It should only list NS (nameserver) records. Keep this window open.
Add a CNAME record to your domain's DNS records
Your domain host is typically where you purchased your domain name (like GoDaddy, Enom, or Name.com). You may also need to add a CNAME record to your domain host if you are in the process of mapping your website.
Choose your IMAP email client settings for Gmail - Gmail Help
Server settings tab. Check "Check for new messages at startup." Check "Check for new messages every 10 minutes." Next to "When I delete a message," select Just mark it as deleted. Uncheck "Clean up ('Expunge') Inbox on Exit." Uncheck "Empty Trash on Exit." Copies & Folders tab. In the "When sending message, automatically" section, uncheck ...
Send email from a printer, scanner, or app - Google Help
On the device or in the app, for server address, enter smtp.gmail.com. For Port, enter one of the following numbers: For SSL, enter 465. For TLS, enter 587. For authentication, enter your complete Google Workspace email address (for example: …