Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization > Fisheries - NAFO
The three main fisheries that are regulated in the NAFO Regulatory Area are for groundfish, shrimp and pelagic redfish, however, there is currently a moratorium on the shrimp and pelagic …
Maps - NAFO
NAFO Convention Area (map) Covers a large portion of the Atlantic Ocean, including the 200-mile zones of Coastal States — Canada, Greenland, St. Pierre et Miquelon and USA. NAFO’s …
NAFO Subareas, Divisions, and Subdivisions - Open Government
The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Secretariat, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) have collaborated to update the spatial …
Map of the Fishing Zones | Memorial University Libraries
Map of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Management Divisions. The northern cod stock is considered to extend from Hopedale in southern Labrador to the northern part of the Grand …
Fishing Area Maps - Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Click on the map of your choice to obtain the geographical co-ordinates of the fishing Areas of each species below.
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization - Wikipedia
The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) is an intergovernmental organization with a mandate to provide scientific advice and management of fisheries in the northwestern part of …
Map of the ICES and NAFO fishing areas. - ResearchGate
We demonstrate that survey recruitment indices can be used to identify either areas of potential sub-stock structure or mixing or areas where recruitment drivers may be operating across or...
Map of NAFO Divisions (red lines), NL Snow Crab Management Areas …
NL Snow Crab fishery began in Trinity Bay (CMA 6A) (Figure 2) in 1967. Initially, crab were taken as gillnet by-catch, but within several years a directed trap fishery developed in inshore...
Groundfish Newfoundland and Labrador Region NAFO …
All groundfish vessels fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area outside Canada’s 200 mile limit are required to have a VMS device onboard that transmits positional information on an hourly …
4RST NAFO Fishing areas – 4RST Zones de pêche de l’OPANO (0) Description: This map service is composed of the boundaries of NAFO Divisions 4R, 4S and 4T and associated …