Publishable and Buildable Nx Libraries
Learn about buildable and publishable libraries in Nx, when to use them, and how they adjust your project configuration for distribution.
@nx/js:library. Create a TypeScript Library. The @nx/js:lib generator will generate a library for you, and it will configure it according to the options you provide.
@nx/angular:library. Creates an Angular library. Examples Simple Library Publishable Library Buildable Library Nested Folder & Import
Structuring Libraries with NX - Medium
Jul 25, 2022 · When using NX, one of the basic principles for structuring your code is the use of libraries. Libraries are great for reusing code between your applications or even other libraries. One point of…
nx - npm
Nx is a build system, optimized for monorepos, with plugins for popular frameworks and tools and advanced CI capabilities including caching and distribution.
nrwl/nx-examples: Example repo for Nx workspace - GitHub
Run nx g @nx/react:lib my-lib to generate a library. You can also use any of the plugins above to generate libraries as well. Libraries are shareable across libraries and applications. They can be imported from @nx-example/mylib.
Creating Libraries - Nx
Should I Make a New Library? There are three main benefits to breaking your code up into more libraries. 1. Faster Commands. The more granular your libraries are, the more effective nx affected and Nx's computation cache will be.
Writing a testable components library with NX in under 10 minutes
Jun 16, 2022 · Writing a testable components library with NX in under 10 minutes. It’s no secret that a components library is a great way to share components between teams, save time, and simplify complex...
Implicit Libraries | Marmicode Cookbook
Implicit Libraries are a way to leverage Project Crystal to make an Nx library nothing more than a new folder in your workspace with an index.ts file at its root. Here is an example of what a workspace looks like with Implicit Libraries compared to Explicit Libraries.
Recommended method of importing components from other Nx …
Jun 17, 2023 · I've recently converted my Angular app (single app with lots of Nx libs) to use standalone components, directives and pipes throughout. I'm pretty happy with this, but I've not found any good guidance on how to import components from other libs now that they're not grouped together in modules.