Slaad | NWNWiki | Fandom
Slaadi (singular "slaad") are powerful frog-like outsiders (extraplanar beings) embodying the chaotic neutral alignment. There are seven types of slaadi in Neverwinter Nights. They are, from least to most powerful, the following: red slaad, blue …
Death slaad | NWNWiki | Fandom
Creatures of chaos, death slaadi are the rulers of their frog-like kind. Aside from their considerable magical powers, they are also gifted fighters. A death slaad has a number of spell-like abilities with a caster level of 15.
Black slaad | NWNWiki | Fandom
After a white slaad has survived for a century, it transforms into a larger, stronger form of slaad — the black slaad. Race: outsider Size: large Alignment: chaotic neutral Armor class: 49 Hit points: 536 Attack bonus: +41/+36/+31/+26 Damage: 5d8+16 / 5d8+16 / …
Moonwood: Slaad Cavern - Neverwinter Nights - GameBanshee
Find and view all Moonwood: Slaad Cavern including detailed information for Neverwinter Nights on GameBanshee!
Can’t beat Death slaad in host tower in OC as fighter
Mar 24, 2024 · Running a fighter class and I haven’t found any decent weapons in luskan to take this dearth slaad down. He regenerates and I barely do any damage to him with my bone mace. I know I’m going to need better gear for this guy. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Free Nax - NWN Side Quest (Chapter 3) - Almar's Guides
In order to free Nax what you'll have to do is collect a Slaad's Tongue along with the Ring of Melf from this dungeon and use both on the Summoning Pool to summon a Water Elemental. You can find a few Slaad's Tongues throughout the dungeon if you don't already have one - …
Planar, Slaad - NWN Lexicon
From NWN Lexicon. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Planar, Slaad. Slaads (toad-like humanoids). Creatures. Creature ResRef Tag Black Slaad x2_slaadblack001 X2_SLAADBLACK001 Blue Slaad nw_slaadbl NW_SLAADBL Death Slaad nw_slaaddeth NW_SLAADDETH Death Slaad Lord nw_slaaddthboss NW_SLAADDTHBOSS Gray Slaad nw_slaadgray NW_SLAADGRAY
Death Slaad - Official Neverwinter Wiki
The Death Slaad is a companion that can be obtained from [The Squire's Companion Pack] in the [Lockbox of the Nine] and can also be obtained randomly from any queue. It was originally obtained through a Zen promotion in 2015.
Red slaad | NWNWiki | Fandom
Creatures of chaos, red slaadi are the weakest of their kind. Most seek escape from the cruel treatment offered by their more powerful kin. The claws of a red slaad inflict red slaad eggs on-hit. In addition, this creature can use its stunning howl once per day, and it …
Darkness Over Daggerford Walkthrough Guide, Neverwinter Nights
Darkness Over Daggerford (2006) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002). With the escapee slain and the lockdown on the gates lifted, the party is free to explore the outskirts of Daggerford. The travel book that we found in the encapsulate library gives a rundown on the sights to be seen outside the city.