Cancer - NHS
Cancer is a condition where cells in a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably. The cancerous cells can invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue, including organs. Cancer sometimes begins in one part of the body before spreading to other areas.
Cancer - Signs and symptoms - NHS
It's important to be aware of any new or worrying symptoms. Although it's unlikely to be cancer, it's important to speak to a GP so they can investigate. Finding cancer early means it's easier to treat. If your GP thinks you have symptoms that could be cancer, they'll refer you to a specialist. This will usually be an urgent referral.
Cancer - NHS England
Delivering the best outcomes for cancer patients is an absolute priority; we want every person with cancer to have the very best diagnosis, treatment and care. We will significantly reduce the 40% of cancers caused by behavioural, lifestyle and environmental factors.
NHS England Cancer Programme progress update – Spring 2024
May 9, 2024 · In line with Long Term Plan, the NHS Cancer Programme has three priorities: Evidence shows that survival is higher the earlier the stage at which cancer is diagnosed. Diagnosing cancer earlier and so reducing the burden of late-stage cancer is central to improving outcomes. The 75% ambition in the Long Term Plan was deliberately stretching.
Understanding NHS cancer performance
There are currently eight operational standards for cancer waiting times and three key timeframes in which patients should be seen or treated as part of their cancer pathway; two weeks, one month (31 days) and two months (62 days).
More than 25% of patients having cancer checks wait over 28 …
5 days ago · More than one in four patients undergoing urgent cancer checks now wait more than 28 days for the disease to be confirmed or ruled out, NHS figures show. Data released on Thursday shows 73.4% of ...
Cancer - NHS inform
Identifying, treating and managing cancers and leukaemia in adults, teenagers and children. How is cancer treated? What is cancer? Information on what causes pain and how it can be managed. Neuroblastoma is the most common solid tumour in children that occurs outside of the brain and makes up 8% of the total number of children’s cancers.
Stages of cancer - Cancer Research UK
Staging is a way of describing the size of a cancer and how far it has grown. When doctors first diagnose a cancer, they carry out tests to: Cancer staging may sometimes includes the grade of the cancer. This describes how similar a cancer cell is to a normal cell.
What is cancer screening? | How does cancer screening work?
Nov 10, 2022 · There is also a new NHS Lung Cancer Screening Programme that is being introduced for people at high risk of lung cancer. People will be invited if they are 55-74 years old and they currently smoke or used to smoke. It will take some time before this is available across the UK. How do I get invited for cancer screening?
Cancer - NHS Long Term Plan
Read our case studies which show what we are doing to improve cancer services, prevent cancer, diagnose cancer earlier and faster, and support people affected by cancer live healthy and happy lives. See what the NHS Long Term Plan says about cancer.