25G LWDM/DWDM SFP28 : Optical Transceiver Module | NEC
NEC's 25G WDM SFP is an optical transceiver that uses WDM technology to enable high-capacity data transmission on a single fiber. It offers products that support the C-band and O-band for long-distance transmission using DWDM technology.
25G WDM SFP : 光トランシーバモジュール | NEC - NEC(Japan)
WDM SFPは波長分割多重(Wavelength Division Multiplexing)技術を利用する光トランシーバです。 近年、モバイルフロントホールネットワークの広帯域化や光ファイバの節約といったメリットから、ネットワークのWDM化が注目されています。 WDM化により、複数波長を多重して伝送する事ができ、1本のファイバで大容量伝送が可能になります。 NECでは、お客様のご利用環境に合わせ、波長多重数の多いDWDMに対応したCバンド帯の製品と長距離伝送が可能なO …
O-band WDM filter : Optical Transceiver Module | NEC
The NEC's O-band WDM filter functions as a MUX/DEMUX in the WDM system using a 100G QSFP28 ER1-30 nWDM transceiver, utilizing its role in wavelength division multiplexing. This filter operates with eight 400GHz channels and is a passive product, eliminating the need for power.
NEC Corporation and Transmode have a global partnership agreement under which NEC integrates and resells Transmode's Metro WDM optical networking equipment allowing NEC to provide a first class offering to its customers.
パケット光統合トランスポート装置 SpectralWave DW7000: 通信事業者向け ブロードバンドネットワーク | NEC
WDMインタフェース. 10G NRZ @ 50GHz spacing 100G DP-QPSK @ 50GHz spacing 200G DP-16QAM @ 50GHz spacing. 400G 16QAM @ 75~162.5GHz spacing. 伝送容量と伝送距離. 9.6Tbps, 4,000km (100G DP-QPSK) 15.2Tbps, 2,800km (200G DP-6b4d-2A8PSK) 25.6Tbps, 800km (400G 16QAM) 光クロスコネクト (多方路 ROADM) 最大方路数: 8: 電気 ...
NEC has launched FN series WDM/OTN equipments – FN1100/1200 to meet the requirements of Backbone network and Metropolitan networ. FN Series OTN equipments enable operators to build a flexible, high availability and intelligent low-OPEX transport network. FN Series OTN equipments are multi-service WDM product based on OTN technology.
Switchponder card integrates both L1 Switching and WDM Transponder functions into a single card. It provides variety of client interfaces and improves the wavelength usage in WDM networks. The MS5000 Network Management System manages DW7000 nodes as well as NEC's other network elements, both optical and wireless.
Infinera Corporation and NEC Corporation have a global partnership agreement under which NEC integrates and resells Infinera's Metro WDM packet-optical networking equipment allowing NEC to provide a first class offering to its customers.
WDM density, it is important to design an optical fiber trans-mission line so that the optical signal waveform distortion, which is caused by both the chromatic dispersion and the non-linearity, is suppressed. NEC has established the optical trans-mission line design technology that is …
光伝送装置のオープン化は日本勢に好機、富士通とNECは準備万 …
Aug 17, 2022 · 波長分割多重であるWDM(Wavelength Division Multiplexing)機能や、光信号と電気信号を変換するトランシーバーを備えた「トランスポンダー」といった機能を分離し、それぞれ1Uサイズの装置として用意した(図1、図2)。 オープン仕様に基づいているため、他社装置との相互接続も可能という。 さらに「Virtuora...