Replacement for NE5532AN - diyAudio
Sep 13, 2024 · NE5532 is still an active (i.e., current production) part at TI. They sell the National Semiconductor version. It's actually a remarkably good part, especially for its age. You can find modern opamps that'll provide better performance and drop right into the socket. The LM4562NA springs to mind. But there's nothing wrong with the NE5532. Tom
TL072 VS NE5532 - diyAudio
Mar 19, 2014 · The NE5532 is far superior to the TLO72 in just about every way for audio use, only real exception being the 5532s' relatively large input current spec. The TLO72 has a very limited ability to drive a load, it's prone to latch up if the inputs are overloaded, and has many other "features" that make it undesirable for audio in my opinion.
Adjusting gain on NE5532 - diyAudio
Oct 8, 2017 · I recently got myself an ebay board with NE5532 chips as preamps. New NE5532 Stereo Pre-amp Preamplifier Tone Board Audio 4 Channels Amplifier MO I'm facing the issue that the pre-amp is causing too much signal gain. A passive pre-amp has too little. I know the NE5532 or alike use capacitor/resistor values to determine the gain.
Can I replace TL082 op amp with NE5532 - diyAudio
May 30, 2015 · Before the NE5532 came along the TL072 was highly regarded and much used in audio equipment. Even today there are people who prefer it. You don't state your location, but the TL072 is widely available from Asian vendors on eBay at very low prices.
NE5532 preamp questions. - diyAudio
Jul 15, 2022 · First here is the schematic. Next here is the output Questions. 1. With zero input and scope on output pins I see a huge voltage output off 20v peak to peak. The second I put any load across the output (Ear phones). The voltage drops to zero. What kind of load should be put across the output...
Upgrade for NE5532 - diyAudio
Oct 8, 2001 · The ne5532 is a great op amp. The LME49720 is better than the NE5532 in many respects such as the noise figure and distortion. The most important thing to look for when choosing an op amp for audio is making sure it is stable at the gains you intend to use it for e.g. if the gain is going to be x1 then you would need a unity gain stable op amp.
Audio circuits using the NE5532/3/4 AN142 1984 Oct 2 August 1988 Rev: 2 AUDIO CIRCUITS USING THE NE5532/33/34 The following will explain some of Philips Semiconductors low noise op amps and show their use in some audio applications. DESCRIPTION The 5532 is a dual high-performance low noise operational amplifier .
Drop in replacement for NE5532? - diyAudio
I recently did a series of mods to my diy Gigawork big dac and they all improved the sonics. The final mod was to swap NE5532 for LM4562 and this turns out to be the icing on the cake....no mincing words, there was an immediate improvement in all respects - dynamics, soundstaging, bass, detail, transparency. Wow moment. Not bad for a $4 part.
NE5532, NE5534 : worth what - diyAudio
Jun 8, 2006 · FWIW, I have two active XO systems using NE5532s (Fairchild, IIRC) - 6 op amps (1/2 NE5532) in the tweeter line, 7 in the mids and 4 per woofer. I am very happy with the sound of both. They responded very nicely to a good power supply that replaced 7815s. I bought a bunch to prove out the concept of active XOs to myself, without spending a lot.
Difference between NE5532P and NE5532AN - diyAudio
Nov 3, 2004 · Apparently the NE5532 in the 2U-1435 circuits serve another purpose than the IC106 and I wonder whether they should be different from the opamps in the IC106 position. I know that they could be single versions of any corresponding opamp, but that would require changing of the pin positions. It is easier just to replace by another double opamp.