Sounds of the NBC Chimes | The NBC Chimes Museum
A collection of audio and video files noting both the evolution of the NBC Chimes and their references in popular culture.
The NBC Chimes Today | The NBC Chimes Museum
The current status, legal and otherwise, of The NBC Chimes on radio and television.
Precursors to The NBC Chimes | The NBC Chimes Museum
The first three notes of “Over There,” played on chimes by WSB, were later rearranged by NBC and became the well–known “NBC Chimes.” The WSB chimes were given to the station by a …
origin and evolution of the nbc chimes
The origin and evolution of the NBC Chimes, as documented through periodicals and the Library of Congress NBC files.
the national broadcasting company - NBC Chimes
T he story of the nbc chimes begins in 1926. That year the Radio Corporation of America purchased the Broadcasting Company of America from AT & T , and renamed it the National …
The NBC Chimes Museum
This website attempts to trace the evolution of the NBC Chimes from a simple switching cue to cultural icon, and to tell the story of other radio broadcasters who identified themselves with …
Custom Deagan Three-Note NBC Chime | The NBC Chimes Museum
The Fourth Chime on November 24, 1944, opening The Fourth Chime, a special NBC News program highlighting the use of The Fourth Chime as a signal during five years of coverage of …
A Matter of Time | The NBC Chimes Museum
How the timing of the NBC Chimes affected switching of program feeds, and the conflict between Engineering, who wanted clock control of the Chimes, and Programming, who did not.
The Fourth Chime | The NBC Chimes Museum
At NBC a fourth chime was added instantly to the famous three–chime signature which goes out over the air at the end of every program—a pre–arranged emergency signal to all engineers …
Acknowledgements and Links | The NBC Chimes Museum
T he purpose of the nbc chimes museum is to chronicle the evolution of the NBC Chimes on radio from the 1920s through the 1940s, when the NBC Red and Blue Networks were separated, …