CESO 22-3: Simulated Excavation Environment for Lunar Operations Follow-on Project PI: Dr. Michael DuPuis ([email protected]) Start TRL: 2 End TRL: 4 Prime STMD Taxonomy: TX04.6.2 Modeling and Simulation for Robots
MSD Organization - NASA
6 days ago · The Mission Support Directorate (MSD) sits at the center of the mission support community, providing solutions and services to ensure safe, successful missions.
CESO 22-4: Parabolic and Suborbital Glovebox in Support of Space Crop Production Project PI: Dr. Gioia Massa ([email protected]), Mr. Matt Romeyn Team Members: Lawrence Koss ([email protected]) and LaShelle Spencer ([email protected]) Project Manager: Lucy Orozco ([email protected]) External Organizations: Dr. George Pantalos ([email protected]), Project ...
CESO 22-1: Lunar Uncrewed Explorer Tool (LUNEXT) Project PI: Mark Lewis ([email protected]) Team Member: Dave Gershman ([email protected]) Start TRL: 3 End TRL: 4 Prime STMD Taxonomy: TX13.1.5 Ground and Surface Logistics, TX13.4.1 Mission Planning, TX13.4.3 High-Fidelity Simulation and
Earth Information Center. For more than 50 years, NASA satellites have provided data on Earth's land, water, air, temperature, and climate. NASA's Earth Information Center allows visitors to see how our planet is changing in six key areas: sea level rise and coastal impacts, health and air quality, wildfires, greenhouse gases, sustainable energy, and agriculture.
EVI-6 PEA (Final) Q&As As of 5/10/2022 Q1 : What is the anticipated date of selection for EVI-6? A1 : We estimate making a selection for EVI-6 in Q3 of Fiscal Year 2023, i.e., April to June 2023.
CESO 22-2: Plasma Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Project PIs: Ray Pitts ([email protected]), Kenneth Engeling ([email protected]) Team Members: Joel Olson ([email protected]), Shayla Peak ([email protected]), Ryan Gott ([email protected]), Caiden Campbell (OSTEM Intern), …
Acronym dictionary - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jun 1, 1993 · Acronym dictionary This reference was originally compiled as a tool for abstracters who need to know the expansion of acronyms they may encounter in the texts they are analyzing. It is a general rule of abstracting at the NASA Center For Aerospace Information (CASI) that acronyms are expanded in the abstract to enhance both information content and searchability.
NPD 3010.1B - main - NASA
Feb 11, 2022 · NASA Policy Directive: NPD 3010.1B Effective Date: February 11, 2022 Expiration Date: February 11, 2027
Office of Strategic Infrastructure - NASA
Feb 10, 2025 · OSI assures that the right infrastructure is available to meet NASA’s mission requirements. We accomplish this mission through effective management of assets and capabilities, enhanced institutional planning and decision-making, proactive deployment of sustainable practices, and reducing current and future infrastructure-related risks.