Mission Support Directorate - NASA
Jan 22, 2025 · The Mission Support Directorate (MSD) enables NASA mission success. We provide the tools, people, and capabilities to ensure NASA leadership in aerospace, science, and exploration.
CESO 22-3: Simulated Excavation Environment for Lunar Operations Follow-on Project PI: Dr. Michael DuPuis ([email protected]) Start TRL: 2 End TRL: 4 Prime STMD Taxonomy: TX04.6.2 Modeling and Simulation for Robots
Sciences and Exploration Directorate - NASA
SED Resources Support. The Sciences and Exploration Directorate receives its resources support from the Sciences and Exploration Business Branch (Code 157.1), located within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.Code 157.1 provides support to the Directorate's Divisions and Offices to plan and execute their budgets in accordance with …
Earth Venture Instrument-6 (EVI-6) Q&As - NASA
Aug 22, 2022 · SOMA Earth Venture Mission-3 Acquisition Homepage. Q05 : On page R-16, the EVI-6 PEA states, "Once an appropriate launch arrangement is determined (preferably before the Preliminary Design Review), minor changes to the SmallSat(s) may be required. Appropriate budget margin should be planned to account for such changes."; however, on slide 12, the NASA Launch Services Program (LSP) Pre-Proposal ...
MSD Organization - NASA
6 days ago · The Mission Support Directorate (MSD) sits at the center of the mission support community, providing solutions and services to ensure safe, successful missions.
NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server
Aug 15, 2023 · CESO 22-3: Simulated Excavation Environment for Lunar Operations Follow-on As more lunar In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) missions are planned and developed, a need was identified for a simulation environment with accurate regolith interaction mechanics that is less computationally expensive than commercially available multiphysics tools. The purpose of the Simulated Excavation Environment ...
CESO 22-4: Parabolic and Suborbital Glovebox in Support of Space Crop Production Project PI: Dr. Gioia Massa ([email protected]), Mr. Matt Romeyn Team Members: Lawrence Koss ([email protected]) and LaShelle Spencer ([email protected]) Project Manager: Lucy Orozco ([email protected]) External Organizations: Dr. George Pantalos ([email protected]), Project ...
CESO 22-1: Lunar Uncrewed Explorer Tool (LUNEXT) Project PI: Mark Lewis ([email protected]) Team Member: Dave Gershman ([email protected]) Start TRL: 3 End TRL: 4 Prime STMD Taxonomy: TX13.1.5 Ground and Surface Logistics, TX13.4.1 Mission Planning, TX13.4.3 High-Fidelity Simulation and
CESO 22-1: Lunar Uncrewed Explorer Tool (LUNEXT)
Aug 15, 2023 · CESO 22-1: Lunar Uncrewed Explorer Tool (LUNEXT) Develop a software tool for planning uncrewed lunar surface operations that simulates illumination conditions on the surface and displays environmental data, such as temperature and induced plume effects, into an integrated lunar operational environment simulation that …
NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server
CESO 22-4: Parabolic and Suborbital Glovebox in Support of Space Crop Production Space crop production research approaches and technologies can be validated for microgravity using parabolic or suborbital flight opportunities, and this will save considerable risk, time, and money for implementing new strategies in spaceflight. While the durations of microgravity in these tests are insufficient ...