Road Roughness Measurements - WSP
The degree of roughness can then be calculated for each 100 metres of road, which is then related to the International Roughness Index, or NAASRA counts if preferred. For short roads or RAMM purposes, readings can be obtained for every 20 metres with a 100 metre rolling average.
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For structural asphaltic concrete or other bituminous surfacings, the maximum and target 100 m moving average lane roughness requirements are to be reduced to 60 and 50 NAASRA counts/km, respectively.
090 - Some operational limitations of the NAASRA roughness meter Author: Opus Central Laboratories Subject: Activity management Keywords: Management measurement, NAASRA, pavement management, road, roughness, roughness meter Created Date: 5/20/2008 1:51:26 PM
Geosolve offers a variety of profiling devices. The RSPIV (Road Surface Profilometer Mk IV, mark4) measures the IRI and NAASRA, it is extremely versatile and can be quickly attached to any vehicle. The profiler can be used to measure roughness at …
Any road longer than 150m in length is subjected to a NAASRA test which measures the ride roughness of the road. This will directly affect the safe use and performance of the road
Descriptions of the Measures - Transport Insights
The classification table returns the NAASRA values for various percentiles and the average within the One Network Road Classification (ONRC). The data comes from the Roughness table. The percentile comparison graph shows your network, Peer Group, Region and the Nation.
Recently New Zealand has introduced pavement deterioration modelling using the dTIMS system, which is based on the World Bank Highway Design and Maintenance (HDM 3) models.
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CETANewZ Issue 015
A NAASRA of 30 to 50 for a motorway is considered smooth, while a count of 50 to 70 is acceptable for a chip seal road. Figure 1: an example of a full width laser set up, fitted with cameras
Resources - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Roughness indices are used to monitor road condition and prioritise maintenance and rehabilitation programs. The most commonly used measure in New Zealand is NAASRA roughness which is based on the dynamic response of a normal passenger car.