N5230C PNA-L Microwave Network Analyzer - Keysight
Learn principles of component, in-fixture testing with vector network analyzers. This application note explains in more detail, the need for a fixture test. The Keysight PNA-L is designed for your general-purpose network analysis needs and priced for your budget.
This is a complete list of the N5230A/C Options 140, 145, 146, 240, 245, 246 network analyzer technical specifications. This N5230A/C document provides technical specifications for the 85052B calibration kit and the N4433A ECal module.
Agilent N5230C, Keysight N5230C, HP N5230C - Axiom Test
RENT AGILENT N5230C (call for availability) Also called HP N5230C, Keysight N5230C. The Agilent N5230C PNA-L Network Analyzer is designed for your general-purpose network analysis needs and can be configured to your specific needs. 300 kHz to 6 GHz, 2-port; 300 kHz to 13.5 GHz, available in 2- and 4-port; 10 MHz to 20 GHz, available in 2- and 4 ...
Agilent N5230C for Sale|Vector Network Analyzers - Above 40 …
5 days ago · The N5230C is a PNA-L Microwave Network Analyzer. Highly configurable with your choice of 6, 13.5, 20, 40 or 50 GHz Max Frequency. The PNA-L Series is a cost-effective solution for general-purpose network-analysis needs. The PNA-L …
Keysight N5230C PNA-L Microwave Network Analyzer - eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Keysight N5230C PNA-L Microwave Network Analyzer at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
N5230C PNA-L Microwave Network Analyzer - Keysight
300 kHz to 6/13.5/20 GHz and 10 MHz to 20/40/50 GHz, 2 and 4 ports, one or two sources, configurable test set, and source attenuator; a general-purpose network analyzer.
N5230C network analyzer. To view or print the N5230C technical specifications, visit our web site at www.keysight.com/find/pnal This N5230C document provides technical specifications for the following calibration kits and ECal modules only: 85052B, 85056A, 85032B, N4691A, and N4693A. Please
Keysight N5230C - ATECorp.com
The Keysight N5230C PNA-L is a microwave network analyzer made to test amplifiers, passive parts, and frequency converters using S-parameters and basic nonlinearity. The Keysight N5230C has a 110 dB system / 122 dB receiver dynamic range.
Agilent/HP N5230C PNA-L Series Microwave Network Analyzer, …
Agilent N5230C PNA-L Series Microwave Network Analyzer, 300 kHz to 6/13.5/20 GHz and 10 MHz to 20/40/50 GHz Global Test Equipment, 866-409-0400, Buy, Rent, Sell, Trade, Repair, Calibration
This N5230C document provides technical specifications for the following calibration kits and ECal modules only: 85052B, 85056A, 85032B, N4691A, and N4693A. Please download our free Uncertainty Calculator from www.agilent.com/find/na_calculator. to generate the curves for your calibration kit and PNA setup.
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