MT-LB - Wikipedia
The MT-LB (Russian: Многоцелевой Тягач Легкий Бронированный, romanized: Mnogotselevoy tyagach legky bronirovanny, literally "multi-purpose towing vehicle light armored") is a Soviet …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The MT-LBu is a vast family of tracked AFVs designed to provide a single versatile platform that could perform almost any role. The design has advanced far beyond its original design as an …
MT-LBu - Wikipedia
The MT-LBu is a Soviet multi-purpose fully amphibious armoured carrier which was developed under the factory index Ob'yekt 10 in the late 1960s, based on the MT-LB. It has a more …
The MT-LB, soviet cold war armoured tractor - tank-afv.com
MT-LB means Многоцелевой Тягач Легкий Бронированный or Mnogotselevoy Tyagach Legky Bronirovanny: "Multi-Purpose Towing Vehicle, Light, Armoured". The Soviet Central Auto and …
MT-LB Multipurpose Armoured Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
MT-LBu "Toros" - The Toros is an Arctic adapted vehicle developed by Muromteplovoz based on the MT-LBu chassis. It is used for carrying personnel, transporting loads, infantry fire...
MT-LBu (1974) - tank-afv.com
For mobility, the MT-LBu is powered by a heavy truck engine YaMZ-238N, V-8 diesel rated for 300 hp at 2,100 rpm. The MT-LBu can employ the same extra-wide-track with "aggressive" …
Tankograd: MT-LB - Blogger
Oct 21, 2022 · Compared with the 8.5-ton curb weight of the MT-L, the 9.7-ton curb weight of the MT-LB indicates that the weight gain was relatively limited despite the retention of almost all …
The Russian MT-LB - TankNutDave.com
MT-LB – Towed 122mm D-30 towed artillery piece or 100mm T-12 Anti Tank Gun. MT-LBV – low pressure track version, with 565 mm tracks giving a ground pressure of 0.27cm². Used in …
MT-LB Multipurpose Armored Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
The MT-LB (Russian: Mnogotselevoy Tyagach Legky Bronirovanny = "Multi-Purpose Towing Vehicle Light Armored") is a Soviet-origin, tracked, lightly-armored, multipurpose, amphibious …
MT-LB Light Armored Multi-purpose Vehicle - inetres.com
The MT-LB is a multipurpose soft-terrain vehicle that can be used as an APC or command vehicle, a prime mover for various types of artillery, and a cargo and general transport vehicle. …