Mouride - Wikipedia
Adherents are called Mourides, from the Arabic word murīd (literally "one who desires"), a term used generally in Sufism to designate a disciple of a spiritual guide. The beliefs and practices of the Mourides constitute Mouridism.
Senegal's Mourides: Islam's mystical entrepreneurs - BBC News
Aug 4, 2011 · Touba, a four-hour drive east of the Senegalese capital Dakar, is the spiritual home of the Mouride Brotherhood, a branch of Islam which holds the sanctity of work as one of its core beliefs.
Understanding the Mouride Brotherhood: A Spiritual Movement …
Jun 3, 2024 · Understanding the Mouride Brotherhood provides valuable insights into the religious and cultural fabric of Senegal and West Africa. In this article, we will delve into the origins of the Mouride Brotherhood, exploring its historical context and foundational moments.
Mouridisme — Wikipédia
Le mouridisme ou Mouridiyya (ou encore de façon complète tariqa mouriddiyya) est une confrérie soufie, la deuxième à pénétrer au Sénégal après la Tijaniyya où, avec la Gambie, elle est presque exclusivement implantée.
Muridiyya - The Spiritual Life
The Muridiyya order or Mouride brotherhood (murit, الطريقة المريدية aṭ-Ṭarīqat al-Murīdiyyah or simply المريدية, al-Murīdiyyah) is a large tariqa (Sufi order) most prominent in Senegal and the Gambia with headquarters in the city of Touba, Senegal, which is a holy city for the order.
The Mouride brotherhood has been courted by Senegalese politicians over the years. Recent prominent Mourides include Abdoulaye Wade who is the current president of Senegal and a devout Mouride. The day after his election in 2000 Wade travelled to Touba to seek the blessing of the Grand Marabout, Serigne Saliou Mbacke. Influence outside Senegal
Mouride Sufi Brotherhood - Blackpast
May 14, 2009 · The Mouride Sufi Brotherhood is a sect of Islam that boasts over four million followers today, mostly concentrated in Senegal and Gambia. The Mouride Sufi Order was founded by Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba in 1883 in the Senegambia region of West Africa.
The Mourides of Senegal
The Mouride brotherhood was originally an offshoot of the Qadiriyya. It was founded by Sheikh Amadou Bamba (1850-1927). He was a Muslim saint, pious, ascetic, generous, of pure private morals, a mystic teacher of unusual learning who devoted …
Religion and business – The Mourides of Senegal
Feb 25, 2016 · In Senegal, about 28% of the population devote themselves to Mouridism, the Islamic following of Amadou Bamba (1853-1927), a spiritual leader basing his teachings on meditation, rituals, and study of the Quran. Amadou Bamba described Mouridism as “a return to Islam’s roots”. Mouridism mainly focuses on hard work, self-reliance and solidarity.
Church and State: The Clout of Senegal's Mouride Brotherhood
Dec 3, 2011 · In 1853, Senegalese-born Cheikh Amadou Bamba founded the Mouride brotherhood on the precept of hard work. Bamba was idealized for his passive resistance against French colonial administration, which eventually prompted his exile in 1895.