MOSSwall® - Stabilized Moss Wall Panels - Verde Profilo
MOSSwall® has many unique features but perhaps the most important is that it requires no maintenance and is the ultimate synergistic blend of nature and design. Handmade in Italy and shipped globally, MOSSwall® is the world leader in this type of material application.
Green Wall Interior Designer | Indoor Green Solution - Verde Profilo
Indoor vertical gardens that maintain their impeccable appearance without light, water, and care? It is possible with MOSSwall®, our patented and innovative system composed of stabilized moss and lichen. With MOSSwall®, you can create immediate …
MOSSwall® - L'originale muschio stabilizzato da parete per interni ...
MOSSwall® è predisposto per il fissaggio diretto a parete o attraverso un sistema di montanti, che consente di realizzare anche pareti a spinta o autoportanti bifacciali. Un rivoluzionario sistema di divisione degli spazi senza necessità di realizzare opere murarie.
MOSSwall® Nemus Strips - Verde Profilo
A perfect blend of linearity and nature, where MOSSwall®'s irregular shape converges with wooden strips. A special finish for an elegant setting, customisable shape and colour are ensured by the two product categories and by the different colour combinations of wood and lichen.
MOSSwall® MW02 - Vertical moss garden Panel - Verde Profilo
MOSSwall® Fusion MW02 product is a 60x40 cm panel in galvanized steel sheet coated with PVC film, thickness 6/10 already punched for a simple division into 10x10 cm squares. The packaging consists of 1 panel, covering an area of 0.24 sqm. …
MOSSwall® Acoustic - Stabilized sound absorbing moss panel
MOSSwall® Acoustic is not only a soundproofing device but also a natural item. In fact, the front panel is covered with stabilised lichen from northern countries, available in 22 colours to create natural walls that meet every taste and idea.
MOSSdesign® - Bringing Nature Indoors - Verde Profilo
The painted metal structures are enriched with wooden elements in natural shapes. MOSSdesign® is integrated with the solutions of the MOSSwall line, to give a green soul to all spaces.
MossWall MW01: Stabilized Natural Moss Panel | Verde Profilo
MossWall MW01 is the most beautiful interior stabilized natural moss panel on the market! It doesn't need light or water! Discover the features
MOSSwall® Fusion - Verde Profilo
MOSSwall® Fusion includes three different species of stabilized lichen, each with unique characteristics and a range of color shades. This multiple composition gives the product a variety of nuances and an unparalleled visual depth, creating a unique chromatic experience.
MOSSwall® Round for stabilized Moss - Verde Profilo
The MOSSwall® Round line was designed directly by Verde Profilo® designers. A lightweight support fully covered with MOSSwall®, size 30, 25 and 20 cm of diameter. The product can be applied directly to the wall by the metal sheet support or with magnets fixed on our original MOSSwall® panels.