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Mordeth | A Wheel of Time Wiki | Fandom
Mordeth was a mysterious man who inhabited Shadar Logoth. Mordeth was originally a good man devoted to destroying the Shadow. He went in search of many powers, including the Finn. Unfortunately, he found a number of dark things, including the power of Mashadar, which would ultimately corrupt him...
Mashadar | A Wheel of Time Wiki | Fandom
The man responsible for the creation of Mashadar is Mordeth, a former advisor to the last king of Aridhol during the Trolloc Wars. His opinion was that the atrocities committed by the forces of the Shadow could only be combated effectively by the display of …
Padan Fain | A Wheel of Time Wiki | Fandom
Fain is a parallel to the character Mordred out of Arthurian legend whose name is similar to Fain's alias, Mordeth. Mordred was a traitor to King Arthur, and, during their last battle, he fatally wounded Arthur.
Mordeth - Tar Valon Library - The White Tower
Mordeth is a sleek, overfed man with drooping eyelids; he is short and completely bald (TEoTW, Ch. 19). During the time of the Trolloc Wars, Mordeth arrived in the nation of Aridhol. He was able to get the king, Balwen Mayel, to listen to him and convinced him to use the tactics of the Shadow to fight the Shadowspawn.
List of The Wheel of Time characters - Wikipedia
The spirit Mordeth, the former councilor of Aridhol who is now the avatar of Mashadar, lures Rand, Mat and Perrin to a cursed trove of treasure, from which Mat secretly takes a dagger. They leave the city, and the dagger begins to corrupt Mat's mind and body. Before Fain can follow, Mordeth recognizes in him a way to escape the city himself.
1.7.2: Mordeth, Mashadar and Machin Shin | Wheel of Time FAQ
Oct 21, 2010 · Mordeth was the councillor whose evil brought Aridhol to its doom. As far as we know, he was an actual person at the time of the Trolloc Wars. He was the power behind the throne of Balwen, and led Aridhol to the policy of "The victory of the Light is all....while their deeds abandoned the Light."
Mordeth (Character) - Comic Vine
When the Emond's Fielders enter the city, Mordeth encounters Rand al'Thor, Matrim Cauthon and Perrin Aybara exploring the ruins. He claims to be a treasure hunter and tempts them to follow him ...
Mordeth, and and what makes him unique : r/WoT - Reddit
Feb 18, 2022 · Mordeth, as much as Rand, was necessary for the cleansing of Saidin. Specifically, Mordeth was necessary to corrupt Aridhol into Shadar Logoth, which itself created the opposite polarity evil that was used to eliminate the Taint.
Am I missing something about Mordeth? : r/WoT - Reddit
Mar 22, 2022 · Mordeth, almost single-handedly, caused the corruption and mutation of of Aridol into the abomination that it is now, with Mashadar loose to terrorize and destroy anything that enters in, especially forces of the Shadow, as that was the original goal of …