Blue Dolphin Cichlid (Cyrotocara moori): Ultimate Care Guide
Nov 24, 2023 · The Blue Dolphin Cichlid, also known as Blue Moorii, is a rare cichlid species. Their scientific name, Cyrotocara moori, is in honor of the English cytologist and biologist, John Edmund Sharrock Moore.
Cyrtocara moorii (Malawi Blue Dolphin) — Seriously Fish
A gentle giant ideal for the larger community of Malawi cichlids, this species was formerly named Haplochromis moorii. It is occasionally referred to by the common name, “Humphead Mouthbrooder”.
Blue Dolphin Cichlid: 7 Essentials for an Perfect Habitat
Jun 9, 2021 · The blue dolphin cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii) is a striking aquarium fish native to Lake Malawi in Africa. Known for its vibrant blue coloration and distinctive body shape, this cichlid has captivated the interest of aquarium enthusiasts.
Blue Dolphin Cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii): Complete Care Guides, …
Aug 29, 2023 · The Blue Dolphin Cichlid, scientifically known as Cyrtocara moorii, is a fascinating addition to any freshwater aquarium. This mid-dwelling fish belongs to the Cichlidae family and shares its home with other African cichlids like the Malawi Mbuna and …
Cyrtocara - Wikipedia
Cyrtocara moorii, commonly known as the hump-head, is a species of haplochromine cichlid endemic to Lake Malawi in east Africa where they prefer areas with sandy substrates. It can grow to a length of 20 centimetres (7.9 in) TL.
Blue Moorii Cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii) | Tropical Fish Keeping
Apr 12, 2015 · The Blue Moorii (Cyrtocara moorii); previously listed as Haplochromis moorii, is a rather large exotic species that comes from Lake Malawi in Africa. They frequent the sandy coastal areas throughout the lake and reside at depths between 10 to 50 feet.
Cyrtocara moorii - Fish Care
May 9, 2017 · Cyrtocara moorii, also known in the hobby as Haplochromis moorii or the Malawi Blue Dolphin, was named after the collector of the type material, J. E. S. Moore. Moorii was first described in 1902, and was first exported out of Africa in 1968.
Cyrtocara moorii - Cichlid Fish Forum
Dec 24, 2009 · Cyrtocara moorii is a beautiful, mild-temperedfish that is a delight to keep. It is commonly known in the hobby as the Malawi Blue Dolphin, and was once classified as Haplochromis moorii. Now it is the only species belonging to the genus Cyrtocara.
Cyrtocara moorii - Blue Dolphin Cichlid - AquaInfo
Cyrtocara moorii, also known as the Blue Dolphin Cichlid of Lake Malawi. A large species that is loved for its appearance and behaviour.
Blue Dolphin Cichlid: Complete Guide to Care ... - The Aquarium Guide
Nov 17, 2022 · The blue moorii is a renowned cichlid because of its brilliant blue color and distinctive body frame, including a large hump on the fish’s forehead. They occur naturally in sandy coastal areas for habitation.
Blue Dolphin Cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii) Species Guide
Jun 29, 2023 · Blue Moorii: Another name for the blue dolphin cichlid; Cranial Bump: More developed in males, adding to dolphin-like appearance; In the end, the blue dolphin cichlid is a truly captivating species, offering both beauty and personality.
Blue Dolphin Cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii) - Tropical Fish and …
Jan 8, 2024 · The Blue Dolphin Cichlid, scientifically known as Cyrtocara moorii, is a freshwater fish native to the sandy shores of Lake Malawi in Africa. They are known for their bulbous forehead, which is more pronounced in males, and their peaceful demeanor.
Blue Dolphin Cichlid Care: Complete Guide for Beginners
Jun 27, 2023 · Blue Dolphin Cichlids, also known as Blue Moorii or Cyrtocara moorii, are a unique and stunning fish species that are endemic to Lake Malawi in Africa. They belong to the Cichlidae family and are a part of the Pseudocrenilabrinae subfamily.
Information on keeping Malawi blue dolphins (Cyrtocara moorii) …
Oct 3, 2024 · Scientific name: Cyrtocara moorii. Common name: Malawi blue dolphin. Family: Cichlidae. Usual size in fish tanks: 17 - 25 cm (6.69 - 9.84 inch) Recommended pH range for the species: 7.2 - 8.6. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 10 - 20°N (178.57 - 357.14ppm) Recommended temperature: 23 - 27 °C (73.4 - 80.6°F)
Variabilichromis moorii - Wikipedia
Variabilichromis moorii has no common name and is a species of freshwater cichlid endemic to Lake Tanganyika in eastern Africa. It is a small ovate bodied fish named for an early collector of fish from the lake, John Edmund Sharrock Moore (1870–1947) who was a cytologist , zoologist and led an expedition to Lake Tanganyika and who discovered ...
Blue Dolphin Cichlid - Species Profile & Facts - VIVO Pets
Sep 14, 2022 · In this article, you will get to know everything about the blue dolphin cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii). The Blue Dolphin Cichlid is an exotic cichlid originating from Africa from Lake Malawi. It gets to be very large, reaching lengths of almost 10 inches (25.4 cm).
Cyrtocara Moorii - Blue Dolphin Cichlids – Rons Cichlids
The Cyrtocara Moorii, also known as the Hap Moorii or Blue Dolphin Cichlids, originate from Lake Malawi and Lake Malombe. Their vibrant color is a great addition to any aquarium. Click to shop now.
Moorei Cichlid: Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums - LiveAquaria
The Moorei Cichlid, also called the Haplochromis moorii, or Dolphin Cichlid is a fairly typical member of the Cichlidae family. These powder blue fish make great candidates for the African Cichlid aquarium.
Blue Dolphin African Cichlid Species Profile - AquariumDomain.com
Blue Dolphin (Cyrtocara moorii) grow fairly large and thus requires a good sized aquarium of 125 gallons or more to properly house adult specimens. In the wild they are found living near muddy and sandy coastal areas, their aquarium environment should …
Moorii | Tropheus moorii - tropicalfreshwaterfish.com
Tropheus moorii is an aggressive fish that is sensitive to life in captivity. The diet, water chemistry, tank set-up, and behavior all play important roles in keeping Tropheus. Perhaps the most difficult in the care of Tropheus is feeding the proper diet.