Kamui vs Moori tips what say you? - AzBilliards Forums
Apr 11, 2009 · Moori tips are less likely to have delamination problems than any other tips made today, and this is do to how they are chemically treated, the layers are glued, and the layer thickness. Kamui tips have twice the thickness of individual layers that Moori tips have, in fact just look at these tips side by side with a magnifying glass.
Moori Tip Discussion - AzBilliards Forums
Jun 22, 2022 · Moori tips were the bomb -- best tip I ever used. 15 years ago I had Ernie make a second Gina for me and he asked what kind of tips I wanted on the shafts and I said something like, "I'd sure like to get some Mooris on them but I know they stopped making them."
Opinions from extensive, long term use of any of the new Moori …
Mar 14, 2016 · ( That means who ever was the moori /usa Rep or the person in charge of moori tips was involved in inserting these fakes into the USA billiard supply houses . Thousands of cue repairmen where getting sold fake moori tips to the point no one wanted a moori tip any more .
Moori Tips, whats happened? - AzBilliards Forums
Oct 15, 2010 · Moori Tips Why have moori tips changed so much. The new moori tips seem like they have an almost resin like surface as opposed to a leather like surface. I have an old moori medium on my second shaft from about 18 months ago and it plays lovely...
Moori vs Kamui - AzBilliards Forums
Jul 24, 2012 · I used to be a loyal Moori tip enthusiast myself, but now I prefer the Kamui tips, over the Moori tips.. The constant mushrooming of Moori became a hindrance for me.. Just food for thought ,Try Kamui black soft ,or Kamui black medium,before you …
Cue tip hardness chart UPDATED - AzBilliards Forums
Jan 18, 2022 · It seems to be all over the place between sources. Even in the above, Moori (M) as an example is 72 in the first chart and 75.5 in the other. Ultraskin has ratings on their website, so what chart do I compare those to?
New Moori Tips - AzBilliards Forums
Feb 12, 2018 · I used Moori M tips exclusively for many years and was very happy with them. I tried the Jewel tips and I was very disappointed. The tips felt "dead" while Moori M's used to feel very springy and "alive" with feedback. Currently I'm playing with Triangle and pressed LePros until Moori can make the magic happen again.
Kamui vs Moori tips what say you? | Page 3 - AzBilliards Forums
Apr 10, 2009 · Moori Tip I just got an I shaft and comes with a moori med tip. I was just wondering how long these last? I play in leagues 2 nights a week, and shoot a couple hours a week beyond that. Can anyone tell me how these tips compare to like the le pro med. as far as lasting and playability Tahnks
Moori or Kamui? | Page 2 - AzBilliards Forums
Dec 7, 2009 · Moori OMG!! I got a new carom cue yesterday and it came with a Moori tip. I have already stated my dislike for them in this thread. So I kept an open mind and went to Chris's in Chitown to try out my new cue. After counting over 20 miscues within the first 1 1/2 hours I gave up playing went home and promptly removed the moori tip.
Moori or Kamui? - AzBilliards Forums
Dec 7, 2009 · The Moori III's characteristics give me exactly what I'm looking for, and I use a lot of English so my confidence in this tip is excellent, compared to the Everest or the Kamuii blacks. Both the Everest and Kamuii had the feel that some shots using a lot of English almost feel and sound like a miscue, which are very rare for me.