Moody Lighting - Survival Mode - Minecraft Forum
Jun 27, 2014 · I think that Moody lighting is really underrated. every sense changing lighting became an option ive been playing on bright. but recently is tarted a new world and decided to change it to moody for once. the change was stunning. everything feels much more atmospheric and its defiantly more difficult then when on bright.
Brightness: Moody or Bright - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
Jun 3, 2015 · Moody also makes torch light look unrealistic; it sharply drops off within 2-3 blocks, then much more gradually drops off to zero, whereas on bright it drops off more smoothly (the main difference, as noted above, is the use of nonlinear vs linear light levels, I don't see much of a change in the darkest or brightest areas, only the levels in ...
Do you play on Bright or Moody? - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
Jan 3, 2013 · Personally, I prefer moody because its more like the old minecraft, the way it should be. You shouldnt be able to see things easily in a cavern deep underground with no light sources. Rollback Post to Revision RollBack
moody is not dark as it use to be. - Minecraft Forum
Jan 14, 2015 · i just switched from a mac to a pc. and moody just does not seam as dark as it did on my mac. in a cave i use to not be able to see the other side of a big cave unless i put torches up. now i can see everything it just slightly darker. how do i make things darker when the slider is all the way to the left.
Light sources not visually emitting light - Java Edition Support ...
Sep 18, 2019 · MC-58177 Night vision rendered darker and orange when nearing light sources with brightness on moody The best way to fix this is to increase the brightness, which is probably what was reset as many shaders do not work with it (IMO, this is one of several reasons why I've always thought that Moody looks hideous; at least in 1.6.4 Bright looks ...
Need shaders for a low end pc/laptop. Only looking for good …
Feb 22, 2025 · Only looking for good lighting, shadows, and dynamic lighting! #1 Feb 21, 2025. Aetheris. Aetheris. View ...
Do light levels, (Moody - Bright) Affect Monster Spawning?
Mar 4, 2012 · I recommend playing on moody, because it almost seems like monsters spawn more often at bright. This is because it seems light enough that you will not need to place torches. I had an underground house, playing on bright, and was the continual subject of creeper attacks.
Dark Edges Around Screen? {SOLVED} - Minecraft Forum
Nov 14, 2014 · I have strange dark edges around my screen when under something; like trees, roofs or other structures. It's actually quite distracting and I would like t...
[Solved] Crash on opening "Video Settings" - Minecraft Forum
Sep 19, 2011 · fov:0 to 1 "uses a decimal to set field of view, 0.500000 is FOV: 90, 0 is normal, 1 is quake pro" gamma:0 to 1 "uses a decimal to set brightness, 0.500000 is brightness 50%, 0 is moody, 1 is bright" viewDistance:0 to 3 "sets fog, 0 for far, 1 for normal, 2 for short, 3 for tiny" guiScale:0 to 3 "sets interface scale, 0 for auto, 3 for large ...
The Complete Guide to Getting the Best Performance in Minecraft …
Feb 8, 2015 · Also, I don't think the brightness setting has any effect, it is purely visual (plus Moody is literally unplayabley dark for me, with nights being nearly black and torches having a range of like 1-2 blocks (I place them every 7-8 blocks when caving with brightness on bright, based on visibility, this also prevents nearly all mob spawns other ...