وزارة العمل -سلطنة عمان - الرئيسية
وزارة العمل في سلطنة عمان تقدم خدمات لأصحاب العمل
Ministry Of Manpower eServices - وزارة العمل -سلطنة عمان
خدمات الباحثين عن عمل خدمة الوظائف بالقطاع العسكري (تجنيد) خدمة التسجيل في الوظائف الحكومية
Ministry of Manpower - Oman APK for Android - Download
As the official app of the ministry aimed to help Omanis, the Ministry of Manpower - Oman app is beneficial for business owners, citizens, and job seekers alike. The free-to-use program …
Manpower Systems (AMMS) - apps
The system provides three main services with 28 sub-services: eEmployment, eWork Permit, eComplaint, and eClaim through various platforms, which are the Ministry’s website, Na’mal …
The Ministry of Manpower (“MOMP”) is the regulatory authority charged with implementing and enforcing the law, which is comprised of Royal Decree 35/2003, as amended, and its related …
Ministry of Manpower - omaninfo.om
The Ministry of Manpower was established by Royal Decree No. (108/2001), issued on 20/Sha`ban 1422 AH. (6/11/2001). The Ministry proposes and implements manpower general …
Labour Ministry issues statement for small and micro ... - Times of Oman
Jan 14, 2024 · WPS allows MOMP to create a database that records wage payments in the private sector to guarantee the timely and full payment of agreed-upon wages. WPS covers all …
MOL updates to the Wage Protection System in Oman - KPMG Oman
Key updates include implementing a reduced timeline for wage payments to employees, a stipulation for payment to be made to a bank or financial institution regulated by the Central …
Oman - Wikipedia
Oman, [b] officially the Sultanate of Oman, [c] is a country located on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula in West Asia and the Middle East. It shares land borders with Saudi …
Ministry of Manpower - Sultanate of Oman Wage Protection System | P a g e 2 Strengthen the stability of the national workforce in the private sector enterprises and reduce labor disputes …