Molly Millions - Wikipedia
Molly Millions (also known as Sally Shears, Rose Kolodny, and others) is a recurring character in stories and novels written by William Gibson, particularly his Sprawl trilogy. She first appeared in " Johnny Mnemonic ", to which she makes an oblique reference in Neuromancer (where she is referred to as "Molly" with no last name given).
Molly Millions - William Gibson Wiki
Molly Millions (also known as Sally Shears) is a recurring character in stories and novels written by William Gibson, particularly his Sprawl trilogy. She first appeared in Johnny Mnemonic, to which she makes an oblique reference in Neuromancer (where she is …
Molly Character Analysis in Neuromancer - LitCharts
A bodyguard, razorgirl, and hit man for hire, Molly works for Armitage. She has extensively surgically modified her body. She has razorblades that extend from her nails, a rewired predator’s nervous system, and lens implants in front of her eyes, which allow her to see in the dark and provide her with real-time information about her surroundings.
Molly Millions - Neuromancer Wiki
Molly Millions, also known as Sally Shears, was a razorgirl who had various cybernetic augmentations, including razor-sharp retractable claws, implanted mirrored lenses that had optical enhancements, and an enhanced reflex system.
Molly Millions: A Possible Early Example of the Cyberfeminist in …
Feb 27, 2018 · In Neuromancer, we also learn Molly’s backstory. In a scene where she kills Riviera, another cyborg who can make holograms who has used his ability to taunt and sexually harass Molly throughout the novel, she tells the protagonist Case that she killed him because Riviera’s taunts reminded her of her previous job of being a “meat puppet ...
Neuromancer - Wikipedia
Neuromancer has many literary progenitors. Detective fiction, like the work of Raymond Chandler, is frequently cited as an influence on Neuromancer. For example, critics note similarities between Gibson's Case and Chandler's Philip Marlowe: Case is described as a "cowboy" and a "detective" and is involved in a heist; [12] Molly, the novel's primary female character, has connections to the ...
Neuromancer Chapter 11 Summary & Analysis - LitCharts
The projection of Molly extends its blades, and begins to tear Riviera apart. Case rushes out of the room to vomit over a railing. He misses the ending but guesses it: “Riviera puts the dreamgirl together, the dreamgirl takes him apart.” Case returns to see the real Molly has disappeared.
Molly Millions, a.k.a. Rose Kolodny, Cat Mother, Steppin' Razor - Shmoop
Molly is strong, confident, and not afraid to go toe-to-toe with anyone from Chiba City street thugs to ninja assassins. She's also not afraid to speak her mind, like when she tells off Teribashjian for his sexist comments (7.33).
Neuromancer Characters - GradeSaver
Molly Millions is a "razorgirl" distinguished by her many cybernetic body modifications, which include implanted eye-lenses and retractable razors on her fingers. She is hired alongside Case by Armitage. She is as reticent as Case, and rarely reveals private information about herself.
Neuromancer (Allegory Explained)
Molly Millions is a significant character in Neuromancer, and her character serves as an allegory for the power of technology. She is a skilled street samurai, with cybernetic enhancements that make her more than human.