Uroteuthis chinensis - Wikipedia
Uroteuthis chinensis, [3] also known as the Hanchi (Korean: 한치) [4], Taiwanese squid (Mandarin Chinese: 台灣槍烏賊) or mitre squid, [5] is a species of squid in the west Pacific Ocean, including the China Sea. U. chinesis is a cephalopod which means that it feeds by using tentacles to pull food into its sharp beak.
The mitre squid is widely distributed in coastal waters throughout the Indo-west Pacific. It has a depth range of 10-170 m but is most commonly found in the 30-50 m depth bracket (Arkhipkin et al. 2015). It is reported from the southern tip of India and Sri Lanka and
Age and Growth of Mitre Squid ( Uroteuthis chinensis ) in the
Jul 11, 2024 · The mitre squid Uroteuthis chinensis is distributed widely in the Chinese coastal areas and contributes to the majority of the Chinese neritic squid fishery, especially in the South China Sea. However, little has been investigated about …
解析海鲜 | 认识鱿鱼(二)(作者:Zam) - 知乎专栏
中国尾枪乌贼 Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis,又名中国枪鱿、本港鱿鱼、台湾锁管、长筒鱿、火箭鱿等,英文Mitre squid。 主要分布于澎湖群岛、闽南海域、海南岛周围、广西北部湾等,出没高峰期为4~6月。 常见胴长20厘米,最长49厘米(雄性,FAO数据)。 肉质细嫩,口感鲜甜,适宜爆炒或生食,其干制品被公认为顶级。 为何不叫中国枪乌贼 Loligo chinensis? 这是因为印度-西太平洋海域10种枪乌贼明显比大西洋3种枪乌贼多了一对腺体发光器,故从2011年起,便有学 …
U. chinensis (Mitre squid) – U. chinensis ranges from the western Pacific to the Indian Ocean (Fig. 1), and from approximately 15-170m in depth. It is a moderately sized squid, common to 200mm in mantle length with an elongate slender, bluntly pointed mantle and long fins over two-thirds of the mantle length.
Mitre squid Squid seafood recommendation | Seafood Watch
Mitre squid caught in China with purse seines should be avoided. There's limited information about the population's status, but mitre squid is highly susceptible to overfishing by Chinese fleets. Little is known about what else is caught in this fishery, but it does catch other squid species that may be overexploited.
FishSource - Mitre squid - China
Mitre squid Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis (previously Loligo chinensis) is one of the main squid species caught in Chinese waters, however, no stock structure information could be found. An exploratory stock assessment of this species in …
Uroteuthis chinensis, Mitre squid : fisheries - SeaLifeBase
Members of the class Cephalopoda are gonochoric. Male and female adults usually die shortly after spawning and brooding, respectively. Mating behavior: Males perform various displays to attract potential females for copulation.
Mitre squid
Mitre squid: photo by FAO: Family: Loliginidae (inshore squids) Max. size: 31.5 cm ML (male/unsexed) Environment: demersal; marine; depth range 15 - 170 m, non-migratory: Distribution: Indo-West Pacific. Diagnosis: Biology: Also caught by …
Mitre squid (Hirakensakiika) | Basic Sushi Knowledge - Sushi …
Mitre squid (Hirakensakiika) is a species of squid in the west Pacific Ocean, including the China Sea. Compared with other cuttlefish or squid, its taste is thinner and sweeter, and it is generally used to stir-fry, stir-fry, or eat as sashimi.