Miriam in the Desert: Jules, Jacqueline, Ugliano, Natascia ...
Jan 1, 2010 · As the Israelites follow Moses through the desert, his sister Miriam comforts them through hunger, thirst, and endless wilderness. Miriam's grandson Bezalel describes their …
Miriam in the Desert: a musical midrash with study guide - Sefaria
Miriam is celebrated for her leadership and prophecy throughout Exodus. But later in the Torah, as the Israelites wander in the desert, God strikes Miriam with leprosy, and she is exiled from …
10 Facts About Miriam Everyone Should Know - Chabad.org
Learn about Miriam, the prophetess of the Bible, whose life and legacy is celebrated until today.
The Story of Miriam in the Bible - Chabad.org
Jul 1, 2004 · Miriam, a prophetess and sister of Moses and Aaron, played a key role in Jewish history, from saving Moses when he was a baby to leading the women in song and dance after …
Numbers 20 ERV - Miriam Dies - The Israelites arrived at - Bible Gateway
Miriam Dies 20 The Israelites arrived at the desert of Zin in the first month of the year. The people stayed at Kadesh. Miriam died and was buried there. Moses Makes a Mistake 2 There was not …
Miriam in the Desert | The Jewish Educator Portal
Essential questions include: Why is Miriam's story important? How can the story of Miriam’s exile help us deal with moments of isolation and alienation in our own lives? How does Alicia’s song …
"Miriam in the Desert" by Jacqueline Jules - YouTube
Jan 13, 2022 · A story about Miriam and the Israelites in the desert from a little boy's perspective. #readaloud #picturebooks #storytime
Miriam's Well: Unravelling the Mystery - Chabad.org
Miriam’s Well (Be’erah shel Miriam) is the name of the spring that miraculously provided water and accompanied the Israelites throughout the 40 years they traveled in the wilderness. Why …
Miriam in the desert - Archive.org
Miriam's grandson Bezalel draws pictures in the sand as he dreams of miracles in the desert. When his great-uncle Moses climbs the mountain to receive God's laws, Bezalel learns he is …
Miriam in the Desert - Jewish Women's Archive
Consider Miriam’s experience of exile and investigate the parallels between her story and moments of alienation and isolation in your own life. Cover art by Uri Berkowitz for "Miriam in …