Mirage F2... - whatifmodellers.com
Sep 16, 2006 · What is interesting with this aircraft (and its VG sibling, the Mirage G) is the cockpit are very similar to the two-seat Mirage-2000 (B/D/N). I bought the three variant of the two-seat 2000 along the years. The 2000B was changed into the F2 prototype, and the 2000D will end as a new Mirage G (the former was crap).
Mirage F2 - whatifmodellers.com
Sep 8, 2006 · Ok, here's the F2 terminated as the prototype who flew in the late 60's and is now on display at the CEAT in Toulouse. The black dragon on the tail is the symbol of a squadron based in Dijon (Mirage IIIC and Mirage 2000 since 1984). It figured on many Mirages prototypes because test pilot Jean Marie Saget had been a pilot on this squadron.
What replaced the Mirage IV?
Feb 3, 2011 · The Mirage F4 replaced the Mirage IV! Dassault were tasked in the early 1960s to design a low-altitude intruder that did not have the high approach speeds or buffetting associated with the Mirage's delta wing. Unlike the earlier Mirage III the F2 had a high-mounted swept wing and horizontal tail surfaces.
Vickers 571 (single-engine version)... - What if
Sep 1, 2006 · Engine F2 = TF30 for 84.3kN (18,967.5lb), F3 = TF306E10 for 101.4kN (22,815lb). The landing speed is the relevent part here, at 140kts its within reach of carrier operations if they can bring it down by 10kts which once you take away a the forward speed of a carrier is down to 105kts, a modified version of the F2 might be able to achieve just that.
Mirage F3 - whatifmodellers.com
Sep 19, 2006 · The Mirage F3 was the link between the F2 (TF-306 engine) and the F1 (small interceptor). It was not only a single-seat F2 : according to Dassault websites, the dimensions are very differents! A short comparison Mirage F1 : length 14.50 m, span 7.80 m empty weight around 7.5 tons Mirage F3 : length 16m, span 9.3 m empty weight 9.3 tons
Mirage IV - Page 2 - What if
Nov 25, 2004 · The F2 buying was scrapped, and replace by a Mirage IVK order. Waiting for that, Israel ask France a loaning of Mirage IVA for recon, and conventional bombing. The IVA production was close to an end (it stopped in october 1968) so a …
Mirage G - whatifmodellers.com
Sep 22, 2007 · The AdA decide in favor of the Mirage F2, two-seat STOL strike fighter. Dassault quickly find that VG improve STOL, and draw a VG Mirage F2, the Mirage G. The AdA bite the idea, and Mirage F2 is scrapped in favor of the G. Aeronavale also has interest in the G because of the DAFNE program (long range,loitering fleet defender).
Sud Aviation (SNCASO) Vautour - What if
Oct 19, 2006 · In fact Sud Aviation was very enthusiastic about the project, but once again Dassault proposed it's F2, then Mirage IV to Israel... which in the end chose the Phantom after the French embargo. According to Cuny, the attack Vautours (IIA) were only 30, of which half were sold to Israel, the others beeing used for flight tests (in the CEV, testin ...
Mirage IV - Page 4 - What if
Nov 25, 2004 · If you compare the forward fuselage parts from the F-4 with those of the Mirage IV you find that there is a common diameter between them that will allow you to make a cut on the F-4 parts and the Mirage IV parts that will give you a radar nose section and still leave you with the majority of the Mirage IV forward fuselage section that can then ...
Mirage III, Mirage V, Nesher, Dagger, and Kfir - What if
Apr 22, 2006 · Mirage IIIT had aTF-30 turbofan, and flew in 1964. The TF-30 was too big, and there was too many compressor stall (air intakes were too small). The IIIT was only a testbed for the TF-104/106/306 engines. These engines were used on the Mirage F2/F3, G, and IIIV