What are miniguns actually used for in the army? : r/Military - Reddit
The minigun was originally designed for the mini soldier because the standard issue rifle was far too large for the mini soldier to wield in combat operations. As a result, a minigun was developed which allowed mini soldiers to put equal amounts of lead downrange as …
Best Mods for Gauss Minigun : r/fo76 - Reddit
Feb 2, 2021 · What are the best mods to put on the Gauss Minigun? Just trying to plan what to get. I plan on getting the gunner sights, and leaning towards the Tesla Coil Capacitor, but want more experienced players inputs. Barrel Standard Barrel Tri Barrel - Better RoF (+18) & Durability, Inferior Range (-84) & Accuracy (-1)
Minigun Builds For Greenbeards And Greybeards : …
Apr 8, 2020 · For the "3 targets" comparison we assume the minigun's bullets penetrate one target, hit a second enemy, then ricochets (with a 50% chance) into a third. To make things more fair, we'll also assume Feedback Loop (the tier 5 auto cannon mod that increases damage at max RoF) only applies to 50% of shots fired for total damage calculations.
Minigun - Reddit
Jun 13, 2020 · From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. UVB-76 (Russian: УВБ-76; see other callsigns), also known by the nickname "The Buzzer", is a shortwave radio station that broadcasts on the frequency of 4625 kHz.
How possible is the handheld minigun fron predator? : r/movies
Jan 9, 2021 · A minigun with ammo and ammo box that weighs 39kg (85lb) for the gun + 25.4 kg (56lb) for the ammo + 11.1kg (24.4lb) for the ammo box = 75.5kg or 165.4lb oh and I'm not even counting the battery (this thing is electric) but I have no stats on the weight of the battery for this model but it's likely it'll be another 50 pounds though probably more.
ELI5: What's the difference between a minigun, a chaingun and
"Minigun" was coined by GE to refer to the M134 six-barrel rotary machine gun. It was called that because it is essentially a "mini" version of the larger M61 Vulcan rotary cannon. "Minigun" is also often used colloquially to describe all modern rotary machine guns.
Gauss Minigun legendary effects : r/fo76 - Reddit
Jan 13, 2023 · Anybody here have a list or link to a full list of possible legendary effects for the gauss minigun. I just picked up a quad gmg and it took just over 3 mins to empty the mag...actually had to count ammo before and after cause it's mag/drum/belt 2,125 rds....but now I wanna try rerolling and seeing if I can get any good rolls and still have quad...
Some very in-depth findings on the Shredder Minigun mod and …
Jul 17, 2020 · To start, the Shredder is a minigun mod unlocked with Gun Nut rank 2 that adds a continuous gun bashing feature when you have no 5mm rounds left. My findings are as follows: The damage is only scaled (by perks) by the Basher perk. It is not affected whatsoever by the following: Big Leagues Heavy Gunner Rooted Lone Wanderer 3 Bloody Mess
Is the minigun viable currently? : r/fo76 - Reddit
This is a decent way to farm ultracite ammo since mobs killed by a primed shredder minigun will drop ultracite 5mm ammo. Important thing when using a Shredder minigun to farm is to not have any ammo. If you pick up any ammo the shredder minigun will revert back to being a …
Build Guide: The Minigun Build : r/thedivision - Reddit
The minigun though, the minigun HAS NO TALENTS AND IS IN NO NEED OF TALENTS TO BE GOOD. It may inherit a talent from the gun you're using, but that's the thing. It ENHANCES the best weapon unlike all the other trash guns that need those talents as a life support. NUMBAH TWO: Limited. Ammo. Capacity. You heard me.