Mikkyō - Wikipedia
In Japanese Buddhism, mikkyō (密教, from himitsu bukkyō, literally "secret Buddhism") or Japanese Esoteric Buddhism, is the lineage of Vajrayana transmitted to Japan, primarily in the early Heian by Kūkai, and to a later extent by Saichō and his successors such as Ennin.
Mikkyo - Korinji
Mikkyo ,"secret teaching," refers to the esoteric Buddhist teachings (vajrayana or mantrayana) transmitted from India to China. These arrived in Japan in the 9th century, carried by great masters like Kobo Daishi, Jikaku Daishi, and Chisho Daishi.
Mikkyo, Esoteric Buddhism - Japanese Wiki Corpus
Mikkyo is an abbreviation for Himitsu Bukkyo, or esoteric Buddhism. Among Mikkyo believers it is also called Vajrayana, as opposed to Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana. It identifies itself as Buddhism, but among scholars there is controversy as …
Kuji-in - Wikipedia
The deities most commonly called upon in mikkyo (esoteric Buddhism, Vajaryana-tantra) are deities of Hindu and Tantric origin, which are ultimately all emanations of Mahavairocana (Dainichi Nyorai).
Mikkyo Sati Courses
Learn the history and practices of this famous school of Buddhist teachings brought by Saicho to Japan from Mt. TenTai in China. Filled with knowledge, philosophy, history of famous leaders and practices to take you to the peace and the enlightenment you seek.
Mikkyō - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
The term mikkyō is used collectively today to refer to a large body of texts, liturgies, implements, and rituals that were imported from China to Japan during the Heian period (794–1185) by influential Japanese monk-pilgrims in the Japanese Tendaishū and Shingonshū traditions.
Shingon - Japanese Esoteric Buddhism - Learn Religions
Mar 6, 2017 · In Japan Shingon is also called Mikkyo, a name sometimes translated as "secret teachings." Among his several other accomplishments, Kukai established the Mount Kyoa monastery in 816.
Mikkyō · 木隠 · Ninja, Ninjutsu & Martial Arts - kogakure
One of the esoteric teachings on which the philosophy of Ninjutsu is based is the mikkyo. Originating in India and brought to Japan from China by Japanese monks, this teaching is an interesting addition to the spiritual growth of the Ninja.
Mikkyo - Buddhism Guide
Mikkyō (密教; literally “secret teachings”, often translated as “esoteric Buddhism”) is a Japanese term that refers to the esoteric Vajrayana practices of the Shingon Buddhist school and the related practices that make up part of the Tendai school. Also the various Shingon and Tendai influenced practices of Shugendo.
Mikkyo - aetw.org
Mikkyo is a little-understood, yet often sensationalised, synergistic 'esoteric construct' which lies at the very core of Japanese Spirituality & Mysticism.