Metapad: fast, tiny and powerful Windows notepad replacement
Metapad is a small, fast and completely free text editor for Windows (95/98/NT/XP/Vista/7) with similar features to Microsoft Notepad but with many extra (and rather useful) features. It was designed to completely replace Notepad since it includes all …
download metapad - Liquidninja
metapad is a small, fast (and completely free) text editor for Windows 9x/NT/XP/Vista with similar features to Microsoft Notepad but with many extra (and rather useful) features. It was designed to completely replace Notepad since it includes all of Notepad's features and much, much more.
metapad FAQ - Liquidninja
NEW: metapad 2.0 has added printing features including Page Setup and print selected text. Update: If you like to use a light font on a dark background colour you will find that the printed output is not readable (unless you use the LE version).
Announcing Metapad 3.6 - Liquidninja
Metapad 3.6 has: a new high resolution app icon, UI & usability updates, a new feature that remembers folders across sessions, better defaults for general settings, UTF-8 file support and the biggest new feature: portability mode.
Metapad Power Tips – Liquidninja
Jul 5, 2011 · This post describes five of my favorite, yet perhaps nonobvious, power tools within Metapad. They are: Portability Mode , Quick Buffers , Launching Viewers , Quote & Un-quote and Unwrap Lines & Commit Word Wrap .
metapad language plugins - Liquidninja
To use a Metapad language plugin simply download the appropriate file from this page and unzip it anywhere on your machine (c:\windows\system, c:\winnt\system32, metapad folder, etc.). Then run Metapad and select Options | Settings | Bufers & …
metapad turns ten – Liquidninja
Today marks the 10th aniversary of the first public release of metapad (see the history page if you don’t believe me). To celebrate I have finally, after long promise, released the source code for metapad. That’s right, now metapad is officially open source and available on GitHub.
Metapad: What's old - Liquidninja
Feb 26, 2011 · April 1, 2000: metapad 2.0 has been released as a public beta. Please download it and let me know if you find any problems. Check out the readme.txt to find out what is new!
Metapad translation howto - Liquidninja
This page contains the language plugin documentation for metapad translators. Please be sure to read the entire page as there is important information on how to translate metapad. For Metapad users, plugins are available for download here. Translators, please keep reading.
metapad – Liquidninja
This post describes five of my favorite, yet perhaps nonobvious, power tools within Metapad. They are: Portability Mode , Quick Buffers , Launching Viewers , Quote & Un-quote and Unwrap Lines & Commit Word Wrap .