Melica - Wikipedia
In North America, most species occur west of the Mississippi River, with exceptions being Melica mutica and M. nitens which occur throughout much of the southeast and lower Midwest respectively. [ 1 ] [ 5 ]
Melica Plant Growing & Care Guide for Gardeners
Oct 28, 2023 · Plant Melica in a sunny to partially shaded location with well-drained soil, preferably in early spring or fall. These grasses are drought-tolerant and require little maintenance once established, making them an excellent choice for low-maintenance or xeriscape gardens.
Melica uniflora - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Melica uniflora, commonly called wood melick, is a rhizomatous, perennial grass that is native to Europe, southwestern Asia and northern Africa. It typically grows in slowly spreading clumps to 12-24" tall.
Melica imperfecta Trin. - Calflora
Melica imperfecta is a perennial grasslike herb that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in western North America.
Melica uniflora - Wikipedia
Melica uniflora, commonly known as wood melick, [1] is a species of grass in the family Poaceae that is native to much of Europe, and to parts of South West Asia and North Africa. [2] Description. The species rhizomes are elongated.
Melica californica (California Melic Grass) - Gardenia
Melica californica (California Melic Grass) is a cool-season bunchgrass with narrow, bright green leaves in winter and spring, turning golden brown by summer. Pretty flower spikes with translucent, papery bracts rise above the clump of basal foliage in spring to late summer.
Planting Instructions for Melica Seeds - outsidepride.com
Melica grass bears satiny spires of red spikelets, and is loved by wildlife. It is one of the most lovely ornamental grasses, and the attractive spikelets are useful in arrangements either fresh or dried. This plant looks great in containers, mixed borders, and wildlife landscapes.
Threeflower Melic, Melica nitens, is a cool season, native grass. Uses include erosion control, range and pasture planting, wildlife improvement. Keywords "Plant Guide, Threeflower melic, Melica nitens, cool-season, grass, perennial, native, restoration, erosion control, wildlife planting, range and pasture planting" Created Date
Melica - grasses
There are nine native species of Melica in Oregon and Washington and one ornamental that has escaped from cultivation. Common names for Melica species are oniongrass and melic. The name oniongrass comes from the fleshy corms found in many members of this genus.
Melica californica Scribn. - Calflora
Melica californica is a perennial grasslike herb that is native to California, and endemic (limited) to California.