Vorago Rotations - PvM Encyclopedia Guides
For an assortment of other rotations (e.g. beginner rotations) or to see rotations in spreadsheet format, check out the Rago Hub spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q7zscYcfJ9qXeIptQmXJiWUloalwDNtmxIOX7bqgkJg/edit#gid=575210987.
Strategies for Vorago - The RuneScape Wiki
Generally, Vorago will do one auto attack at a time; a blue bomb (magic auto, covered in the bomb section), or a melee swipe (melee auto). However, Vorago can do both a blue bomb and a melee swipe in one auto attack.
Vorago Tips & Tricks - PvM Encyclopedia Guides
⬥ Upon summoning a stone clone, Vorago will perform a melee swipe animation. This melee swipe animation is non-damaging and is only cosmetic. • Potential applications: Do not try to res this attack as it won’t hit anything. Stone Clone – No Target
Hard mode strategies for Vorago - The RuneScape Wiki
Vorago's attacks change every week at Wednesday 00:00 UTC. In hard mode, the week's rotation changes parts of phase 9 and all of phases 10 and 11. This section covers the full rotation for each phase, for each week. In the chart below, "attack" refers to Vorago's basic attacks: launching a blue bomb, and/or performing his melee swipe.
Rago Hub: Up-to-date strategy and rotation guides for Vorago ... - Reddit
Jul 23, 2020 · Our discord server Rago Hub provides you the best up-to-date guides and rotations! Featured guides: Target cycle Recenter Natty Hammer climb Zero linking Solo lure A complete guide for Duo HM .... and much more than these! Featured rotations: Duo NM (both beginner & advanced) 5-7man HM (melee, range, mage, hammer)
Solo Vorago - PvM Encyclopedia Guides
⬥ Vorago is a highly time gated boss, which limits duo KPH to 7 (6 on The End) at the highest skill level. • In comparison, the average solo KPH is 5. ⬩ Therefore, solo Vorago will always be more gp/hr as you do not need to split Energies or Seismics and …
Bossing by combat style? : r/runescape - Reddit
Feb 19, 2020 · Solo is preference. For Ed3 solos, as far as I’m aware, melee is much better than the other two styles, it can definitely be done with them though. Telos is magic all the way. A lot of people melee lower enrages, but magic at the higher …
Rate 3 main combat styles from best to worst. : r/runescape - Reddit
Melee and ranged are going to be much better at specific bosses. For slayer I would put melee as strongest. The style can handle almost any assignment but there are still a few where you should or must bring the monster's weakness.
Vorago/Strategies/Duo - The RuneScape Wiki
As Vorago shifts from the third to fourth quadrant, use sunshine in melee distance of Vorago and pray Deflect Melee. Drink adrenaline potion and use wild magic, asphyxiate and Claws of Guthix when Vorago stands up.
Trio Hardmode Vorago - PvM Encyclopedia Guides
⬥ The team's Base Tank (melee) is responsible for applying the Statius's Warhammer special attack in all phases. ⬥ A base knowledge for approaching Vorago in Hard Mode, all its weekly special attacks and appropriate intuition for occurrences such as random Red Bombs. ⬥ Intercept. ⬥ Heal Other.