healing - Medieval Medicine in a Fantasy Setting? - Role-playing …
Oct 29, 2010 · Several things to keep in mind about real medieval medicine: No Sterilization - infection was rampant; very few specialists - mostly wisewomen and barbers. A genuine surgeon was bloody rare. A Medical Doctor was in fact extremely rare, and in many places, a criminal! Very little of actual systemic issues known.
What could you call medical doctors in a medieval/fantasy setting?
This is a follow up to Medieval Medicine in a Fantasy Setting?. What could you call a medical doctor in a medieval/fantasy setting? I'm thinking along the lines of how an "alchemist" is more appropriate in a medieval/fantasy than a "chemist". So is there an equivalent setting-appropriate term for "doctor"?
Managing a Medieval Low Orbit Ion Cannon
Feb 24, 2016 · After a few initially successes let things start to slide, introduce the caveat of the story. Was there really no side effect of the initial blast? Spread rumours about mysterious things happening at the initial blast site. Are peasants suddenly manifesting special powers, medieval x-men? Is there a dangerous fauna growing out of the crater?
dnd 5e 2014 - Is there a real use for the Medicine skill? - Role ...
The Medicine proficiency is only referenced in the Wisdom ability check section in the PHB, pg 178: A Wisdom (Medicine) check lets you try to stabilize a dying companion or diagnose an illness. The only other mentions of Medicine can be found in the combat rules for Stabilizing a creature (PHB, p. 197). And you are also right.
Is there an official reason the Forgotten Realms is stuck with ...
Apr 29, 2016 · Forgotten Realms will never progress beyond its high fantasy medieval era because it was specifically created to be a high fantasy medieval setting. Progressing it to the Industrial Revolution, with the associated social changes, would anger all the players who use FR because it's that genre. WotC has a separate setting for people who want a ...
What different skin colours can a tiefling officially have?
Mar 17, 2020 · I'm interested in knowing how different colours a tiefling's skin may can be, with official backing. By official backing, I mean, there are plenty of fan-images out there of tieflings of all sorts of
dnd 5e 2014 - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
Mar 24, 2019 · However, I would keep them out of reach of the peasants and laborers. If they were available to everyone it would change the pseudo-medieval setting in many ways just as they impacted the real world when modern medicine and technology delivered versions that were highly effective while being relatively cheap.
Medicine and Stabilizing - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
Jun 25, 2022 · They just stop dying. With a +5 to your Medicine skill, a die roll of 5 or more would have succeeded under the official rules. Further, you can use a Healer’s Kit that makes this even easier: Healer’s Kit. This kit is a leather pouch containing bandages, salves, and …
How much will studying magic in an academy cost?
Jun 19, 2019 · The prices were set for the various course by the University, with classes for valuable degrees (like medicine) costing princely sums while classes for useless degrees (art) cost very little. The university of Barcelona was calculated (by a professor in the 1300s) to charge a princely sum of 100 Lyre (roughly equivalent to the British pound ...
Fantasy economy: how to design a deep, sophisticated crafting …
There's a conflict between the desire to have "an economy" in your understanding of wages, production, prices, trade and accumulation, and the authentic late medieval/early modern. I suggest, as a sourcebook even though it is incredibly late in the early modern, and deals with the movement between early modernity and modernity, The Baroque ...