Mclamb - Surnames - Genealogy.com
Jan 4, 2003 · Dorothy Wadford McLamb obit., Tarboro, N. C., died September 21, 2004. Josephine Long 10/17/04
Re: Mclambs from Benson, North - Genealogy.com
Mar 26, 2009 · McLamb had many interests and hobbies, including fishing, deer hunting, and playing the slot machines at Dover Downs in Harrington. Above all else, he was a devoted husband, father and grandfather; he delighted especially in entertaining his family by singing fun and silly songs like "It's Hard to Be Humble."
Re: just curious (Shadyback) (Sampson County, NC McLamb)
Jul 18, 2002 · Nell, Isham "Shadyback" McLamb was first married to Penelope Honeycutt and had seven children. She died in 1862. His son Isham "Cottonhead" was in the Civil War with my ggf Damiel Tew. Isham Jr. was then engaged with Melissa Adeline Royal. He wrote to Isham Jr. and told him, if Melissa does not mean that much to you, I would like to marry her.
Benson, NC McLamb family - Genealogy.com
Dec 22, 1998 · Benson, NC McLamb family By genealogy.com user December 22, 1998 at 10:19:43. Almond McLamb, b. 11/30/1895 in Winnsboro, NC. His father, Handy, and grandfather John William. Handy married Phebe YOUNG. Almond m. Verah TURNAGE. Verah's father was Almond Turnage. They had 10 children, one of which is Gardner, my father-in-law (and a …
Re: Benson, NC McLamb family - Genealogy.com
Dec 22, 1998 · Debra, I was wondering if the man you are talking about is Almond or Allman?They sound very similar.The reason I am asking is because I have information about Allman McLamb who married Vara McLamb.Allman was born on 11/31/1895 and died on 6/20/1941.Vara was born on 11/21/1899.I don't have a date of death for her.My information comes from a cemetary stone in the Beulah Baptist Church Cemetary ...
just curious (Shadyback) (Samp - Genealogy.com
Jul 11, 2002 · just curious (Shadyback) (Sampson County, NC McLamb) By Neil McLamb July 11, 2002 at 10:18:53. Does anyone here know anything about "Shadyback" McLamb?Anything going back further than him, I would be interested in finding out about.I live in Sampson County, NC, where my family (McLamb's) have been for many years.Shadyback was my great great grandfather (i think two "greats" is correct).
Surnames: M - GenForum - Genealogy.com
Browse surnames that start with M in the GenForums on Genealogy.com!
Re: Baughn Family Book - Genealogy.com
Jun 5, 2000 · 3234211 Martha McLamb, born November 6 1936 3234212 Margaret McLamb, born November 8 1940 323422 Caroline McLamb, born August 8 1911; married August 6 1940, Professor Bernard Shelly, son of Alfred Shelly, born April 5 1902.-ii-3234221 Rowland McLamb Shelly, born September 19 1942
ROBINSON's of NORTH CAROLINA - Genealogy.com
Nov 6, 2001 · 3 clingman b. peterson md lola mclamb 4 julius s. peterson 5 grady w. peterson md fanny boyette 6 walter h. peterson mmd clara daughtridge, (2) adeline daughtridge 7 elliott landdon peterson md margaret satterwhite 8 estella d. peterson md abner f. butler