Mazda CX-7 Starting Problems — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Mazda CX-7 Starting Problems. michele_2005 Member Posts: 6. September 2007 edited January 2018 in Mazda ...
Mazda CX-7 Surging During Acceleration - Edmunds
2007 CX-7 GT with 50K Recently had a problem with the engine surging/losing-power during acceleration. Felt at first like a transmission problem as if the tranny was slipping, but with no bang. Felt at first like a transmission problem as if the tranny was slipping, but with no bang.
Mazda CX-7 Bluetooth questions — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Ok hey, i have the Mazda cx-7 and the only issue i have is that it doesnt have an aux jack, so i cant play my music of my iphone. SO i was wondering if anybody knows another way, to play music from my phone through my car, without installing, a whole bunch of stuff.
Mazda CX-7 Fuel Type — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
I am taking my CX-7 in next week for 12,000 check up . I will try to find out about the fuel situation. When gas was over $4.00 per gallon we didnot drive the CX-7 except for long trips. I would fill one tank premium, next tank 89 octane. I was making over 25mpg on the interstate, non mountain areas. went from deep SW Louisiana to extreme ...
Mazda CX-7 Check Engine Light — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Well, don't feel too bad. My CEL came on this last weekend and took it into the shop first thing yesterday morning. Mazda paid for rental car. Got the CX back this afternoon. Problem was defective Gas Cap - apparently, according to the service advisor, Mazda has re-designed the gas cap for the CX-7 (looks different than the original I had).
Mazda CX-7 Noise and Vibration — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Had you known of the "brown wire mod" YESTERDAY, you could have gone ahead and purchased the F/awd CX-7 without having to wait for Mazda's "improvement." By the way, the new Venza and 2010 RX350 both use the CX-7's F/awd system virtually exactingly. The only exception I see is the lack of PTO cooling that the CX-7 has already.
Mazda CX-7 Engine Problems - Page 11 - Edmunds
This post really has the handle on the problem: angry_cx7, "Mazda CX-7 Engine Problems" #582, 2 Jun 2013 4:58 pm That said, if you really want to wait around three years for a $500 coupon off another Mazda, you can find class actions suits all over Google.
Mazda CX-7 Engine Problems — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
I have 36,380 miles on my Mazda CX-7, 2007 and the Mazda dealer says that I need a new engine, due to lack of maintenance. I only had the car for 3 months, it was in under warranty the first week for a new A/C compressor, then in again for a new r/headlight replacement/wiring and all - due to something electrical. Now it needs a new engine.
Mazda CX-7 Engine Reliability — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
At 37,000 miles on my CX-7 (2 years old), vehicle developed an oil leak from the Timing chain cover. Fortunately it was covered by the 5 year 60K mile warranty. repair took 3 days. Mazda covered the rental.
Mazda CX-7 Transmission Questions — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Good idea about establishing separate sub-fora, but I think you need to change the title of this forum: Mazda CX-7 Transmission Problems. People who are exploring the CX-7 and trying to gain useful information will immediately get the wrong idea that the CX-7 has major problems with the transmission, which is not the case.