Sassi di Matera - Wikipedia
The Sassi di Matera are two districts (Sasso Caveoso and Sasso Barisano) of the Italian city of Matera, Basilicata, well-known for their ancient cave dwellings inhabited since the Paleolithic …
How Matera Went From Ancient Civilization to Slum to a Hidden …
In the southern Italian town of Matera, I followed a sinuous laneway down into a haunting district known as the Sassi (Italian for the “stones”), where some 1,500 cave dwellings honeycomb the...
Sassi di Matera: A Guide to the Extraordinary Cave Dwellings of …
Oct 19, 2021 · Archaeological investigations in Sassi show it to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited settlements in the world. Findings date to the Neolithic and Palaeolithic periods – …
People Still Live in These Ancient Cave Houses in Italy
Apr 21, 2017 · A resettlement plan evicted some of the Sassi di Matera residents from their old-fashioned cave houses in the poorest part of the city.
The Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera
The Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera hold a high degree of authenticity. The rock-cut settlement exhibits evidence of continuous occupation from prehistoric times until …
Matera, Italy; the oldest continuously inhabited settlement in Italy
Matera is one of the oldest continuously inhabited settlements in the world and the oldest in Italy and Europe. The ancient part is the Sassi-di-Matera, an area of cave dwellings carved into the …
Matera, what to see in the City of Sassi - Italia.it
Overlooked for many years, the Sassi of Matera entered the World Heritage List as an example of an age-old way of life to be preserved and handed down to posterity.
The Sassi and the Repustrian Churches, Matera - In Italy
Mar 5, 2018 · Sassi di Matera, which literally means “stones of Matera,” are prehistoric dwellings carved out of caves. Situated in an old part of the town they are mainly composed of Sasso …
Sassi di Matera: historical chronology and information.
Matera and the Sassi | from the 19th century to today Matera, by now identified with the Plan and its offshoots, will experience ups and downs in historical and political terms, seeing its role and …
Visit the cave dwellings in the Sassi district in Matera Italy
The Sassi in Matera were formed in continuation of the first human settlements in Italy, and the caves, excavated in cells and layers like a beehive, have not changed significantly over time. …