Super Mario Party - Game UI Database
Explore over 1,300 games and 55,000 UI screenshots. Browse by screen type, animation, layout, colour, and more. The ultimate game UI reference for designers and developers.
Full Screen Mario
FullScreenMario is a free HTML5 remake of Nintendo's original Super Mario Bros. It includes the original 32 levels, a random map generator, a level editor, and over a dozen custom mods. This project is developed by the following people :
RainbowTabitha/Mario-Party-Toolkit - GitHub
Whether you wish to adjust coin gains, manage item RNGs, or customize minigame wins and item prices, the Mario Party Toolkit provides a robust set of features to tailor the game to your liking. With an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) crafted for ease of use, this toolkit ensures that your gaming experience is both fun and customizable.
Super Mario Party | Interface In Game | Video game UI
Discover Super Mario Party Game UI Interface such as menu, quest, inventory and all the components of the game.
Mario Party Text Editor - A text editor GUI for Mario Party games - GitHub
The batch edit mode allows users to load a .dat file, reads the content and translates it to text using Mario Party-specific encoding. It separates editable content (strings) from non-editable content (data and pointers for the game).
Simple Armips GUI (v1.2) & SM64 Macro Library - skelux.net
Jan 17, 2018 · This is a simple front-end GUI for Kingcom's Armips program. This is useful for people who don't want to include the ".Open / .Close / .n64" in all of their Armips source files. This also includes the n64crc program, which will automatically update the ROM's checksum when you import a source file.
MnL-Modding/QtMnL: GUI editor for the Mario & Luigi games.
QtMnL (pronounced “cute emm-'n'-ell”, after the framework Qt, officially pronounced “cute”) is a GUI editor for the Mario & Luigi games, although it currently only supports Bowser's Inside Story (the original DS version). It is built using PySide6, NodeGraphQt (Qt 6 fork), ndspy, mnllib.py and the YAML command documentation.
Super Mario Maker 2 - Game UI Database
Browse by screen type, animation, layout, colour, and more. The ultimate game UI reference for designers and developers.
Boot into any menu [Melg] - Mario Kart Wii
Oct 4, 2022 · This code boots the game into a specified menu. By intelligently selecting which menu to boot into, you can start the game directly into a screen of your choice. For example menu 0x49 "Single Player (coming from Time Trial Change Character)" will …
Game UI Database 2.0 | Welcome
Explore over 1,300 games and 55,000 UI screenshots. Browse by screen type, animation, layout, colour, and more. The ultimate game UI reference for designers and developers.
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