Maliwan - Borderlands Wiki
Prior to Patch 1.7.0, purple-rarity Maliwan submachine guns were more common than those of other manufacturers, and the only blue-rarity Maliwan SMG was the Chulainn. All other SMGs were affected by a bug in the parts list for blue-rarity Maliwan SMGs which mandated use of …
10 Best Legendary SMGs in Borderlands 3 That Every Vault
Mar 6, 2025 · The Plasma Coil is a Maliwan SMG that quickly shoots a 16-round burst of elemental orbs. This weapon is locked to the Shock + Radiation elemental combo making it highly effective against shielded enemies, however, the Plasma Coil’s high base damage will swiftly destroy anything in its path.
Maliwan Manufacturer: Pistols, Shotguns, SMGs, and Sniper …
Nov 19, 2019 · Maliwan are the flashiest weapons around, featuring two elemental options in each gun and the higest elemental damage anywhere. Check out how they work, what guns they offer and more.
Flipper • BL3 – Legendary SMG - Lootlemon
Sep 23, 2024 · The Legendary SMG Flipper is manufactured by Maliwan and comes from the Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood DLC. Flipper - Unique Ability Shoots energy bullets that deal [weapon element] Splash Damage .
SMG (Borderlands 2) | Borderlands Wiki | Fandom
SMG is the title of a group of common submachine guns in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. They are manufactured exclusively by Dahl and commonly spawn with the bandit/scav, Maliwan...
D.N.A. • BL3 – Legendary SMG - Lootlemon
Sep 23, 2024 · The Legendary SMG D.N.A. is manufactured by Maliwan and comes from the Borderlands 3 Base Game. The DNA requires a < 1 sec charge up before continuous fire. Shoots 2 Orbs that diverge into random directions and link together, forming an Energy-Blade that deals elemental damage. Each shot has a random element [Fire, Shock, Corrosive, Cryo].
Chulainn - Borderlands Wiki | Fandom
Chulainn is a unique submachine gun in Borderlands 2 manufactured by Maliwan. It is obtained from the mission Clan War: Zafords vs. Hodunks located in The Dust, by siding with the Zaford family. Riastrad! – Fires shock rounds which also do bonus slag damage.
Tsunami • BL3 – Legendary SMG - Lootlemon
Feb 26, 2024 · The Legendary SMG Tsunami is manufactured by Maliwan and comes from the Borderlands 3 Base Game. Tsunami - Unique Ability Requires a < 1 sec charge up before continuous fire.
Weapons - Maliwan - Equipment | Borderlands 3 - Gamer Guides
You’ll find a lot of SMGs with Maliwan and many of them will last long beyond their level due to them inflicing Critical damage on the correct enemy types. Of particular note is the Tsunami Legendary, this is arguably one of the better guns in the game due to how it spreads Elemental damage around.
D.N.A. » Borderlands 3 Legendary SMG - MentalMars
Feb 13, 2023 · The D.N.A.is a Legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. This is a Maliwan SMG that shoots 2 projectiles of a random elemental. The 2 projectiles are connected with each other like the cutsman, however, the beam between them is really short and doesn’t extend. They travel in a circular motion like a DNA string (Double Helix).