Malice - Warhammer 40k Wiki | Fandom
Malice, previously known as Malal, is a rogue Chaos God, also called the Hierarch of Anarchy and Terror. This entity is worshipped by the Sons of Malice, a Renegade Chapter. The term 'Malice' originates from 'malitia', a Latin word for 'bad, ill-will and spite', and 'Malal' is a synonym for 'Malice' in various East Indian languages.
So what’s the current legal reason Malal/Malice isn’t ... - Reddit
Nov 4, 2021 · They legally cannot use Malal, Daark or any of the associated names, stories or artwork because the legal owner of that intellectual property took it away with him. They can put in those oblique references everyone talks about but that’s as far as they can go.
What is the current status of Malice/Sons of Malice? : r/40kLore - Reddit
Malal was functionally replaced by the Great Horned Rat for Age of Sigmar, but nothing similar has happened in 40k. If it has not been actively referenced within the last two decades, it is not canon.
Malal - Warhammer Wiki
Malal, known also as the "Hierarch of Terror and Anarchy," the "Renegade God," the "Lost God," the "Rejected God," and "the Fallen," is a renegade, minor Chaos God, who has turned against the others and is dedicated to their destruction. His followers, sometimes called the "Doomed Ones," seek out and destroy the followers of other Chaos Gods ...
is Malice sill a thing in aos : r/AoSLore - Reddit
Apr 18, 2023 · There was never really a Malice in WHF or Aos, Malal was introduced in one comic in 1987 but retconned out at the same time he was in 40k because of copyright issues.
Malice (Chaos God) - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum
Jan 27, 2025 · Malice bares many similarities to Malal, a renegade Chaos God that appeared in the 1st edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and the Citadel Journal for the 2nd edition of Warhammer Fantasy. Sources. 1: The Labyrinth (Short Story) — Heroes of the Space Marines (Anthology), pgs. 225–251
Sons of Malice - Warhammer 40k Wiki
The Sons of Malice are a Renegade Chapter of Chaos Space Marines who turned to the service of the minor Chaos God Malice some time prior to the start of the 13th Black Crusade in 999.M41. They are the enemies of the Imperium of Man and the other forces of Chaos alike and have battled both successfully during the recent campaigns of the 13th Black Crusade fought against Abaddon the Despoiler ...
Slaves to Darkness - Chaos Warriors of Malal - Ex Profundis
Bring back Malal is a sweeet move, so much so that it sparkled inspiration again in my little brain and I decided to follow you on this endavour of an AoS version of inq28! I am also working with an hint of nostalgia to the old warhammer lore, but at the opposite end of the spectrum to your Warriors of Malal.
GW History: How Malal the 5th Chaos God was Killed by Copyright
Sep 2, 2018 · The mark of a true Warhammer nerd is knowing about Malal, the Chaos god who's all about destroying the other Chaos gods. But why isn't... First in a new series!
Is malice canon? i tried searching for info about him but i ... - Reddit
Dec 31, 2022 · Malice is essentially a way to make occasional winking references to Malal, without directly referencing Malal. Malal existed as a Chaos God in very early Warhammer Fantasy, and was featured mainly in a series of comics about …