The Story of Mai Kligge - YouTube
Years after leaving her childhood home in Vietnam, Mai Kligge learned that she shared her grandfather's love for gardening. This year, she suffered a stroke and has had trouble maintaining...
Letters From Readers: Mom's Documentary - by Zoungy Kligge
Feb 20, 2024 · The Story of Mai Kligge. If these posts were to be ranked by popularity, last week’s clear winner was the short documentary about my mother by filmmaker Margo Reed. It’s an oral history where Mom describes what it was like growing up during the war in Vietnam, leaving her family to move to the US, raising a family of her own, and finding ...
Oral History - MargoReed
Learn more about Mai's life in Lai Khe during the Vietnam War, how she met her husband, Fred, and how they formed a life together in Reading Pennsylvania. This project is funded by a FARO grant provided by a partnership between the Wyomissing Foundation and Barrio Alegría.
Happy Year of the Dragon - by Zoungy Kligge - Substack
Feb 10, 2024 · Here she is creating a picture of fruits and the mai flower in honor of Vietnamese New Year. Happy New Year! Today is the first day of the lunar new year, the year of the dragon.
Mai Tuyet Kligge, 71 - Reading, PA - Reputation & Contact Details
View FREE Public Profile & Reputation for Mai Kligge in Reading, PA - Court Records | Photos | Address, Emails & Phone | Reviews | $100 - $149,999 Net Worth
Frederick W Kligge, 74 - Reading, PA - Reputation & Contact Details
Frederick is now married. Elizabeth Kligge, Caroline Kligge, Mai Kligge, Amanda Pruitt and Susan Laney, and many others are family members and associates of Frederick. Frederick's annual salary is between $100 - 149,999; properties and other assets push Frederick's net worth over $50,000 - $99,999.
Mai T Kligge, (610) 779-9706, Reading - ClustrMaps
Mai T Kligge is a resident of Reading. Lookup the home address, phone numbers, email address for this person
E-Mail-Knigge - Die Kniggetrainerin
Gemeinsam haben wir die aus unseren Augen wichtigsten Zutaten für stilvolle E-Mails in elf Tipps für unser Business-Knigge-Workbook zusammengefasst. Der Hauptgrund für unbeantwortete E-Mails ist nicht Desinteresse, sondern der falsche Ton.
E-Mail-Knigge: Was ist es und Beispiel für den Arbeitsplatz 2024
In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie die besten E-Mail-Knigge-Tipps. Was ist E-Mail-Knigge? E-Mail-Knigge bzw. E-Mail-Etikette ist die Norm für akzeptables E-Mail-Verhalten. Sie legt fest, wie Sie Ihre Kolleg:innen und Kund:innen ansprechen sollten. Das Ziel ist es, ein harmonisches Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen und Kund:innen respektvoll zu behandeln.
E-Mail-Knigge: 10 Tipps für die Kommunikation per E-Mail - STRATO
Damit Ihre Mails stets klar, höflich und kompetent wirken, finden Sie hier nützliche Tipps für eine gewissenhafte E-Mail-Kommunikation. Diese Regeln für eine effektive Korrespondenz helfen Ihnen, stets einen positiven Eindruck beim Adressaten oder der Adressatin zu hinterlassen. 1. Höflichkeit und Respekt.
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