Refund Purchase Made with Tier Tokens - Blizzard Support
Created Tier Piece for the Wrong Spec. What to do if you got the tier piece for the wrong talent specialization. Refund or Exchange Algari Token of Merit. What to do when you purchase the wrong item using Tokens of merit
What Will Happen to My Characters And Their Items When Mists …
World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria has concluded and is no longer playable.. For information on what happens to remix characters, such as their quest logs being cleared, please refer to this blog post.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Doesn't Launch - Blizzard Support
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 says "Game is Running" but never starts Blizzard Customer Support only provides technical assistance for the installation and patching of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 For all other technical issues, including game launching …
Did Not Receive Timbered Sky Snakelet in TWW - Blizzard Support
I didn't get Timbered Sky Snakelet pet despite having 6 or 12 month subscription running
How to Access Battle.net Games Through Game Pass
Game Pass and Battle.net accounts have to be active and properly connected before a game can be played. Follow these steps to resolve most issues:
Cannot Apply a Transmogrification Appearance - Blizzard Support
If you are unable to apply a transmog, check the following: Disable your addons. Mouse over the equipped item and check if it says "This item cannot be transmogr
Error 6:10 - Blizzard Support
Sorry to hear that! We'd like to know what's wrong. Please check any which apply:
Missing Artifact Weapon - Blizzard Support
Earned artifact weapons cannot be deleted, sold, or disenchanted. Please check your backpack, your bank, and your void storage.
Diablo IV Technical Troubleshooting - Blizzard Support
Comprehensive troubleshooting for any technical issue you encounter that does not have its own support article
Subida de personaje a nivel 70 mejorada - Soporte de Blizzard
Información básica sobre la característica de Subida de personaje a nivel 70 mejorada para World of Warcraft