[Guide] MTG Colour Pie for dummies! (allies, enemies, shards
Mar 9, 2017 · Enemy colors: Boros: Army Coordination. Masses of weaker units that are stronger when together. Izzet: Nuclear power. Big, fragile and high risk for everyone to see. Simic: Rita Repulsa . Make my monsters grow. Golgari: grave digging. A big graveyard means a big payoff. Orzhov: Extortion.my life is my life. Your life is also my life. Ally Tricolor:
Can someone explain Clans and enemy colors? : r/magicTCG
Nov 8, 2014 · "Clans" are a representation of specific 3-color pairs-- two colors an their mutual "enemy" color. Ally and Enemy colors can be determined by looking at the colored dots on the back of a magic card. Two colors that are next to each other (blue and white, black and red, etc.) are Allies and have some shared attributes/philosophies.
Allied and Enemy colors? : r/magicTCG - Reddit
Feb 10, 2023 · If it’s focused on Enemy colors (like Kaladesh, Strixhaven) decks are easier to build with non-adjacent pairs like RU, WB. Wedge or Shard sets (like Tarkir, Ikoria) are focused on helping you build a 3-color deck either all adjacent (a “shard” of the pie, like RGW) or with one enemy (a “wedge” of the pie, like WBG).
Getting into Magic the Gathering - A Beginner's Guide. Part 5
Oct 15, 2021 · This part will exclusively deal with the Enemy Color pairs. I'll briefly explain some typical playstyles for the color pairs and then get right into the decklists. If you want to know what the Allied and Enemy Colors are, or you'd like to find out more about the Allied Colors, part 4 is linked above. So, without further ado:
The 2-Trait Approach to Understanding Color (WARNING: Long)
Oct 14, 2021 · I choose this way of defining color because it plays well with the familiar concept of enemy colors, and, as you will see, it will be the driving force for the rest of this post. A color pie is an ordered, circular arrangement of five colors (e.g., the classical WUBRG); the two traits within a given color are ordered as well, and each trait in ...
Getting into Magic the Gathering - A Beginner's Guide. Part 4
Sep 30, 2021 · What are the Allied and Enemy Colors? As you might recall, there are 5 colors in magic. Some quick math reveals that therefore, 10 different dual-color combinations are possible. Now, as you might also remember, one common way to organize those colors is to line them up in a wheel (or pie), following the order of White-Blue-Black-Red-Green.
Which enemy colors agree the most, and which ally colors ... - Reddit
Which enemy colors agree the most? BG. It's a popular answer, but it's true. Black wants to become the strongest it can become, and green is generally okay with the idea that the strong survive. Green starts to get a little upset when black does unnatural things like summoning demons... but "unnatural" is really just a matter of perspective.
Philosophy and MTG, How Enemy Colors Combine : r/colorpie
Mar 24, 2016 · The colors are his intellectual property, and I am merely his prophet who has refined his message into something more substantial. He says a lot of different things about how the colors should look, and I refer to my post "Color Canon and Interpretation" for why I singled on specific and clear aspects of the colors that I took from his own mouth.
ELI5 "enemy" vs "ally" lands : r/magicTCG - Reddit
Jul 27, 2015 · The original idea of the color pie was that ally colors work better together than enemy colors, although enemy colors also sometimes pair well strategically. In recent years, Magic has moved away from that distinction, and treats …
What do you call 3 color combinations? : r/mtg - Reddit
Nov 15, 2020 · Two color decks are, to my knowledge, called Enemy/Ally colored decks, while 3 color are called Shard/Wedge color decks. Now, Enemy/Ally are great names imo. It tells you without needing to think about it that the 2 colors in question are next to one another/across from one another on the color wheel.