MP 3008 - Wikipedia
The 9×19mm MP 3008 (Maschinenpistole 3008 or "machine pistol 3008", also Volks-MP.3008 and Gerät Neumünster [1]) was a German last ditch submachine gun manufactured towards the end of World War II in early 1945.
MP3008 (Maschinenpistole 3008) Submachine Gun (SMG) - Military Factory
May 12, 2021 · The MP 3008 (Maschinenpistole 3008) was a last-ditch submachine gun design intended to arm all manner of German defenders. Design work began in early 1945 and the system proved nothing more than a "reimagined" British STEN (Mk II) submachine gun with only subtle German influences to suit the pressing requirement - mainly in its bottom-mounted ...
MP 3008 | Gun Wiki - Fandom
The MP3008, also known as the Volksmaschinenpistole (people's submachine gun), was a German submachine gun produced towards the end of World War II. It was an almost direct copy of the British Sten submachine gun.
RIA: MP3008 Sten Copy - Forgotten Weapons
Feb 4, 2016 · The MP 3008, aka Gerät Neumünster, was one of two German efforts to copy the British Sten gun. The first was the Gerät Potsdam ("gerät" meaning device or project; basically project code name), which was a direct copy of the Sten distinguishable only by a marking details and a few differences in manufacturing processes.
The Makeshift MP3008 - HistoryNet
Nov 20, 2009 · The homely MP3008, a German submachine gun (SMG) produced in 1945, was a low point in the German tradition of innovation in close-range automatic weapons development.
POTD: Germany Tried Making Sten Guns – The MP 3008
Mar 26, 2024 · Facing critical material shortages in 1945, Germany sought cheaper Sten gun copies as last-ditch submachine guns. The first was the Gerät Potsdam, an exact Sten replica made by Mauser, with around 10,000 produced. In parallel, the further simplified MP 3008 (aka Volks-MP.3008) was developed by Ludwig Vorgrimmler.
MP 3008 - The German STEN - GAT Daily (Guns Ammo Tactical)
May 5, 2024 · The MP 3008 was simply the German version of a British Sten gun. The Brits were forced into the Sten gun because, between World War 1 and World War 2, they didn’t need submachine guns until they suddenly needed them. They were caught off guard.
MP3008 (Maschinenpistole 3008): Photos, History, Specification
The MP 3008 is designed around an open bolt blowback operating system (like the previous STEN Mk II) and has a rate of fire of 450 rounds per minute. The weapon is fed by a standard 32-round detachable straight case magazine (same as …
Weapons of Last Resort - MilitaryHistoryNow.com
Sep 28, 2020 · In fact, the MP 3008 was a near-perfect knock off of the iconic Mk. II Sten, save for its vertical magazine port — the Allied weapon was loaded through the side. Simple, but effective in close quarters, the MP 3008 was well suited to the urban warfare that marked the final days of the Third Reich.
Пистолет-пулемет MP 3008 (Германия) - Modern Firearms
The MP 3008 submachine gun is a simple blowback operated weapon that fires from open bolt. It was capable of semi-automatic and full-automatic fire, thanks to the Sten -type cross-bolt button type fire mode selector.