Please, tell me why you hate PVP so much. I just don't understand.
The gathered information on this I have seen is a few years old at this point but the results tended to be: About 10% of people PvP nearly exclusivly, 40% of people never PvP and 50% of …
Best faction-based PvP MMO? — MMORPG.com Forums
MMO pvP basically sucks, kinda always has, and I wager always will. if you want to play a battlefield game, play a Battlefield game, and let the PvE trash sod off. Egotism is the …
Which game has the fairest PvP? — MMORPG.com Forums
In most MMO's, it always seems like the vast majority of PvP encounters are ganks by higher level and better equipped people who sometimes even group to make gank squads. It's rare to …
The Top Five PvP MMOs - The List - MMORPG.com Forums
Nov 28, 2017 · A top 5 pvp mmo doesn't have a decaying pvp population that's almost unrecognizable. ZOS's casual pve/rp and cash shop direction took them away from any …
MMO's without PVP — MMORPG.com Forums
I can't wait for an MMO with PVP done to it's full potential. Yeah great point, one think that I think can be done is have consentual PvP to compliment open pvp areas and guildvguild raids. …
Discussion / Nexon is Removing All PvP From Vindictus After …
Jan 10, 2024 · Including PvP in a game that has significant PvE content is probably the biggest challenge in MMORPGs. PvP brings the biggest challenges for developers for many reasons, …
Does everyone hate PvP? — MMORPG.com Forums
Jun 23, 2016 · PvP is a useless feature in a MMORPG, for every 100 PvE'er you got 1 PvP'er, and that 1 PvP'er will find a way to screw the 100 PvE'ers gaming experience. So in the end, …
Discussion / Is there a decent full loot PvP game currently?
Mar 28, 2018 · was disappointed by how unstable, laggy, buggy and slow it is. on top of this pvp is incredibly restricted and penalized. if you like to terra form and build little villages this is …
Is there any browser building mmorpg that isn't PVP oriented?
It doesn't have PVP if I'm not mistaken, might take a look. It's named Castle Empire in the USA... For whatever moronic reason. It is also PvP. In order to expand your territory you can attack …
Looking for MMO that isn't focused on raiding/pvp endgame
Looking for an MMO not focused on raiding/pvp endgame. Well, let me go into more detail. I like Ryzom and Ultima Online and SWG...from my memory...it wasn't about "I have uber leet …