Thoughts on Emma Emmerich (E.E.)? : r/metalgearsolid - Reddit
That's kind of a larger issue I had with MGS2. Its' best moments are completely optional codec calls, while the main story ones are just nothing but overlong scenes of someone talking at …
question on otacon and his “relationship” with emma’s mum
That's all in the dialogs in MGS2. Emma's mom (aka Otacon's stepmom) seduced him, Otacon's father learned about it and "accidentally" drowned in the pool. He also tried to drown Emma …
MGS2: Does Emma being detected and shot at on the Oil Fence
Nov 11, 2023 · MGS2 Spoilers I’m currently doing a no alert no kill run of MGS2, I’m at the oil fence part with Emma and I’m stuck, no matter what I do she gets seen and shot at. The alert …
MGS2 Sniping Issues : r/metalgearsolid - Reddit
Oct 13, 2022 · MGS2 Sniping Issues I'm playing the game again on hard, literally just to get to see Snake without the mullet and facial hair, but the sniping bit where you have to protect Emma …
[MGS2] How do I prevent Emma from exploding? : …
Dec 2, 2020 · [MGS2] How do I prevent Emma from exploding? Emma is walking on this cat walk while I provide supporting fire while she crosses. Problem is she keeps exploding halfway …
Mgs2 Question(s) : r/metalgearsolid - Reddit
Jul 19, 2014 · From what I've heard, the third alert either comes from escorting Emma or during the second fight with the Tengus. There is some extra discussion here , but all I can tell you …
Mgs2 mandatory alerts : r/metalgearsolid - Reddit
Jul 20, 2014 · Mgs2 mandatory alerts From what I understand, there are 4 mandatory alerts- one in the tanker chapter and 3 in the big shell chapter. Whilst doing a no alerts run, I completed …
The Emmerichs story is extremely disturbing. Spoilers for MGS, …
Dec 18, 2016 · We also know that Hal had sex with his own step-mother. Even if she was 18 when she had Emma that would put her around 24 when she slept with a 16-17 year old Hal. …
In MGS2, (during the swimming segment where Raiden is carrying …
Jun 4, 2018 · In MGS2, (during the swimming segment where Raiden is carrying Emma on his back underwater) If the player uses the Pentazemin (a Benzodiazepine) Emma's O2 will …
Just how "close" exactly were Otacon and Emma? : …
Jul 1, 2013 · Huey divorced from Hal's mum and remarried a British lady who already had a child (Emma). When this happened we aren't sure. Emma and Hal become close siblins, then at …