This module will help you improve your MDT working by demonstrating: † how you currently work as an MDT † who are the key people that should be involved † what tools you will need to use † how to evaluate your improved MDT working and make continuous improvement to sustain the changes you have made 06 What it does not cover
Information sharing in Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs) - NHS ...
Feb 2, 2022 · If you are working within an MDT which is providing individual care to a patient or service user, then you must share this information with the MDT. You must only share information that is relevant and necessary for the patient or service user’s care.
Referral forms - King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
We have collated the latest versions of these forms here, for your convenience. They can also be downloaded from the referral information section of the relevant department in the services directory. For more details and advice, read our guidelines on referring patients to King’s.
NHS must think differently about how it supports new ways of working across teams. Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) working offers an opportunity to not only bridge the workforce gap but to improve quality by drawing on a broader range of skills and competencies.
Information for secondary care professionals - NUH
Referrals from hospital specialists/secondary care should be made on an East Midlands Sarcoma Service MDT referral form. The referrals should be emailed directly to the MDT co-ordinator at [email protected].
Brain/CNS MDT - St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
A neuro-oncology MDT referral form must be completed by a Consultant/SpR or CNS for each patient, this is available online here. This needs to then be emailed to [email protected] before 3 PM on the Wednesday prior to the MDT.
Ensure all histology slides/reports and imaging films/reports are sent with the referral. Incomplete forms will result in delays to the patient pathway. Referral will be accepted when all essential information is received.
The MDT | National Haemoglobinopathy Panel | NHP …
Download General MDT Referral Form. This takes place monthly online, on alternate Mondays and Wednesdays from 1600hrs to 1800hrs. See dates below.
Please complete the form as fully as possible and either post to: Dr Nicholas Hopkinson Royal Brompton Hospital Fulham Rd London SW3 6NP Tel 020 7349 7775 Or email to [email protected] or fax to 020 7349 7778 Notes: 1) The more information available the better able the MDT will be to respond. Minimum requirement for
A CD copy of MRIs taken overseas or privately is required when referring to the MDT. • Only referrals from hospital trusts and community MSK Triage and Treat Team (TTT) will be accepted via email. • GP must direct patients to community MSK Triage and …
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