Home - MDS Arabia
Founded in 1992, MDS Arabia is a conglomerate holding company headquartered in Riyadh and englobes entities in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain and Turkey.
Contact us - MDS Arabia
MDS Building No. 6601, Fatima Al Zahraa Street Al Rabwa Area, Al Malaz District 11511 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
About Us - MDS Arabia
Founded in 1992, MDS Arabia is a conglomerate holding company headquartered in Riyadh and englobes entities in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain and Turkey. MDS Arabia runs a well established network of diversified businesses – such as Computers, Software, Data Centers, Telecom and Communications, Hospitality, Power Generation and Transmission ...
MDS Arabia
MDS Saudi Arabia / Riyadh Computer and Communications Division have been granted a contract by the Ministry of Health for an amount of 4.5 MUS$ to expand and develop the Computer system and network at the Riyadh Medical Complex.
Our Affiliates - MDS Arabia
MDS CS empowers its customers to manage, operate and continually optimize the necessary technology infrastructure responsible to deliver digital outcomes. We provide networking hardware, cloud, security, and other high-technology products and solutions in a highly professional approach that is tailored to meet each customers’ unique business ...
Solutions and Services - MDS Arabia
MDS Arabia delivers cost-effective services to plan, design and execute IT strategies that accelerate business growth with optimizing costs and quality.
Technology Partners - MDS Arabia
MDS Arabia has collaborated and partnered with various technology providers. The expertise of these technology providers along with vast network of MDS Arabia brings to the customers a wide range of products and solutions.