MCS TSIRANG - Facebook
MCS TSIRANG - Facebook
Scout's Scarf Day Observed Across Schools in Tsirang Dzongkhag
Aug 3, 2018 · Scouting: To ensure a spirited and motivated to both active and former scouts, "Scout Scarf Day" was observed in schools across Tsirang Dzonkhag namely Mendrelgang Central School (MCS), Tsirangtoe Central School (TCS), Barshong Primary School (BPS), and Damphu Central School (DCS) among others.
Tsirangtoe Central School: School Calendar - Blogger
RSSM 2018 at Tsirang starts. Primary level inter-class chess and table tennis competition end.
Tsirang Media Focal... - Mendrelgang Scouts Association - Facebook
Tsirang Media Focal reports on activities conducted in Tsirang Dzongkhag on International Day of Peace (21/9/2021)
Mendrelgang Central School - Facebook
This enriching program was initiated by the Bhutan Scouts Association and successfully conducted in Tsirang by the Tsirang Scouts Association. A total of 18 passionate and dedicated teachers from Mendrelgang Central School enthusiastically took …
The Education Sector of Tsirang Dzongkhag organized “Science Professional Development Workshop” with the theme “Improving learning outcome through the development of teachers’ competency” from 25th October 2020 to 4th Novemebr 2020 at three different stations in Tsirang.
Tsirangtoe Central School
Aug 17, 2018 · Perhaps, Tsirang is the only southern Dzongkhag with a tinge of spiritual and historical significance, which made a glorious page in our country’s history. The listeners attended the talk thoughtfully, and got gory details of the Gyalpo, Khar, and the war.
Mendrelgangang Central School (MCS), Tsirang have initiated documentation of butterfly fauna in Tsirang district as part of the conservation education programs for the school students. Singh & Chib (2014) reported 125 species of butterflies from Tsirang. The most significant results were the sightings of Sordid Emperor
Mendrelgang Central School Tender Invitation - Dzi Seldra
Sealed tenders are invited from valid trade licence holders for supply of meat and eggs at Mendrelgang Central School, Tsirang. Tender documents will be available from September 18, 2019 during school hours.
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The Performance Agreement is entered between the Dzongkhag Education Officer and the Principals, Tsirang Dzongkhag. The objectives of this Performance Agreement are: 1. To establish clarity and consensus about annual priorities for the dzongkhag Education Sector consistent with the 12th FYP document and the Government’s new priorities; 2.