Motor Carrier Permits - California DMV
Drivers Who Do Not Need an MCP. The following types of drivers and/or vehicle operation do not require an MCP: Household goods and/or passenger carriers as defined in §5109 of the Public Utilities Code (PUC) (these vehicles operate under Public Utilities Commission authority).; Household goods carriers transporting used office, store, and institutional furniture and fixtures …
Motor Carrier Permit FAQs - California DMV
A Seasonal MCP, commonly referred to as a Seasonal Permit, can be issued to an intrastate motor carrier operating on a “For-Hire” basis for a period of no less than six months, but no more than 11 months in a 12 month term.
Motor Carrier Permitting - California DMV
Before you begin… Have your Carrier Identification (CA) number and the exact name as shown on your MCP. Be prepared to pay applicable fees using your banking information (bank routing number and account number, as shown on your checks) or by credit/debit card.
MCP Application - California DMV
*Form should be filled using Chrome (standard window), Firefox or Edge Chromium. If you choose to use Chrome Incognito or Safari, you will need to disable the “Prevent cross-site tracking” behavior in the browser.
A Public Service Agency CALIFORNIA MOTOR CARRIER PERMIT (MCP) MCP Handbook MC 500 M (REV 3/2016)
Active Motor Carriers - California DMV
MCP Handbook. The MCP Handbook contains helpful information about applying for a permit, requirements, fees, and more.
MC 706 M (REV. 1/2016) WWW MOTOR CARRIER PERMIT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Effective January 1, 2016. All Motor Carrier Permit (MCP) applicants must complete this application, in its entirety, pay the required fees,
13.075 Motor Carrier Permit Program (VC §34601) - California DMV
The Motor Carrier Permit program is administered jointly by DMV and the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to promote and ensure the public safety of all users of California highways. DMV is responsible for ensuring that motor carriers are in compliance with liability and worker’s compensation insurance requirements and enrollment in the Employer Pull Notice program […]
Motor Carrier Services Records and Information - California DMV
We maintain records of: Vehicle registration. Information on driver license applications. Conviction abstracts. Accident report abstracts (except for accidents where, in the opinion of a reporting officer, another individual was at fault).
A Public Service Agency Registration Operations Division P. O. Box 932370 MS H875 Sacramento, CA 94232-3700 (916) 657-8153 Motor Carrier perMit appliCation for CertifiCate of Self inSuranCe